Chapter 2496 Once liked... (1)

Wen Tingting didn't answer, she started the car immediately to express her disdain for Ding Lun.

Ding Lun could only watch Wen Tingting drive away, thinking what kind of attitude is this?

His car was at home, so he had to go back to the garage to pick it up.

What he didn't expect was that someone was waiting by the garage.

This person is of course Mother Ding, she had expected that Ding Lun would be kicked out of the car by Wen Tingting.

"What do you think?" Mother Ding was not surprised that Ding Lun left and returned.

Yi Tingting's child's temper will definitely not give Ding Lun a chance to send her home.

"I have no idea." Ding Lun didn't know the intention of Ding's mother's question, so he was vague.

Mother Ding looked at Ding Lun for a long time, and then sighed, "I created opportunities for you, but you didn't know how to grasp them. Do you think it's possible to win back her heart?"

Ding Lun didn't want to disobey Ding's mother, so he didn't answer, he didn't want to save Wen Tingting at all.

Seeing him like this, Ding's mother sighed: "Maybe you never found out, did that child Tingting like you?"

Ding Lun was taken aback, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Ding's mother was not surprised that Ding Lun was kept in the dark: "You think you are smart, but you are actually quite confused. Tingting knows that you will never forget your old love for Chen Xiaoyu, but she still keeps it secret. It's just you. It's a pity that you made mistakes again and again, and finally broke face with her in this way, no woman can bear such humiliation, do you understand?"

The saddest thing is that Ding Lun has not figured out the situation until now, and he has not even repented at this point.

May I ask which woman can stand Ding Lun like this?
Could it be that she is incapable of raising her son, which is why she educated Ding Lun to what he is now?

"I, I don't know about this." Ding Lun murmured.

He really didn't know that Wen Tingting liked him, because Wen Tingting didn't show any liking for him.

He thought that a woman liking a man should be like what Chen Xiaoyu showed, whispering soft words to him and putting him first in everything.

"How can I say that you are confused? Up to now, you have not shown any sign of repentance. If you never know your mistakes, Mom doesn't know how to help you." Mother Ding sighed, feeling powerless.

She was in good spirits before, and she still had the energy to match the two children.

Now her energy is not as good as before, I'm afraid she can't help Ding Lun anymore.

Ding Lun stood where he was, still not recovering from what he just learned.

If someone hadn't told him about this, he thought it would be impossible for him to know that Wen Tingting had feelings for him in his life.

He drove out of the house, not knowing where to return.

At this moment, Chen Xiaoyu called him and asked him to go to her apartment.

Ding Lun didn't hesitate, and turned to the residential area where Chen Xiaoyu lived.

As soon as he entered the house, Chen Xiaoyu greeted him with a smile all over his face: "Is your mother feeling better?"

Looking at her smiling face, Ding Lun thought of Wen Tingting's cold face. This is the big difference between people.

He has always known that Chen Xiaoyu loves him, and loves her crazily.It's ridiculous that another woman who was honest with him also liked him, but she never showed any affection for him.

So it's not his fault, it's Wen Tingting's fault.

"What's the matter, your face is so ugly, is there something wrong with your mother's health?" Chen Xiaoyu asked after seeing Ding Lun's expression was not right.

(End of this chapter)

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