Chapter 2498 Once liked... (3)

Wen Tingting is very frank, this incident is not shameful, and the Ding Lun she likes has long gone.

It seems a bit too late for Ding Lun to pursue this matter now.

Ding Lun never thought that Wen Tingting would be so frank.She has always been a woman who cares about face, but she said it bluntly, which means that this matter has passed in her heart.

Even his mother said that Wen Tingting liked him.

I liked it, not liking it.

So it doesn't make any sense for him to ask about it.

"I...don't know." Ding Lun replied hoarsely.

He didn't know other than to say this, and really didn't know what to say.At that time, he was busy making excuses for his cheating, maybe he was still busy finding various charges against Wen Tingting, including the charge of her cheating on Yang Jian.

"It doesn't matter whether you know it or not. Ding Lun, whom I like, has long since died. You are meaningless to me now. You have so much time to find these meaningless pasts, why not persuade Mother Ding more Don't be stubborn anymore. Between you and me, it's time to stop entanglement." Wen Tingting stood up and paid the bill for himself.

Ding Lun sat in a daze for a moment, as if waking up from a dream, he chased after him, blocking Wen Tingting's path.

"Anything else?" Wen Tingting asked with raised eyebrows.

Under her gaze, Ding Lun took two steps back.He shook his head: "No more."

The answer he wanted, she had already given.

It didn't matter whether she liked him or not.The important thing is that they have deviated from each other, the rift is deep, and there is no way to mend it.

Wen Tingting drove away and quickly forgot about Ding Lun.

Only Ding Lun was left standing where he was, looking at the direction Wen Tingting left, as if petrified.

He didn't notice that Chen Xiaoyu was not far away, and then she got out of the taxi and stood behind him for a long time.

Chen Xiaoyu didn't expect that the person Ding Lun came to meet was actually Wen Tingting.The most ridiculous thing was that she stood behind Ding Lun for such a long time, yet he didn't notice her existence.

She didn't know what beautiful scenery there was on the street where Wen Tingting left, but she knew that Ding Lun's soul was no longer in him.

It may have been half an hour until she got into a taxi and called Ding Lun again, and Ding Lun's soul was swept away.

"I'm still waiting for you to eat, when will you come back?" She asked hoarsely.

Ding Lun got into the car in a daze, "I'm a little tired, let's go home first, you can eat."

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

Chen Xiaoyu watched Ding Lun get into the car, and she told the taxi driver to continue to follow Ding Lun, wondering if he would go home.

Unexpectedly, he drove slowly, passed a few street corners, and turned back. Finally, he went to the gate of Wen's house and stopped the car again.

Chen Xiaoyu watched from a distance, she couldn't figure out what Ding Lun was thinking.In the past, he and Wen Tingting were at odds with each other, and their faces were completely torn apart because of the divorce.

Up to now, he ran to Wen Zhai again and stayed there for an hour.

It can't be that now, he wants to make up with Wen Tingting again, right?She felt that Wen Tingting would not have such a great charm to make Ding Lun so irrational.

You know, they had already fallen out, if it wasn't for Ding's mother's sudden sobriety and playing tricks on her, the two of them would have ended their husband and wife relationship long ago.

Although she was scolded by the world for intervening in their marriage, she knew that she was the ultimate winner.

She won Wen Tingting, won Ding Lun's love, and finally won the title of Mrs. Ding.

(End of this chapter)

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