Chapter 2604 Lifetime (3)

It wasn't until the attending doctor came to Ding Lun and said that the hospital couldn't treat Ding's mother that Ding Lun went to the hospital to pick him up.

The moment Ding's mother and son met again, each other's emotions were very complicated.

Ding Lun didn't expect that his mother would lose so much weight after a week without seeing her, as if a gust of wind would blow her down.

The attending doctor had a special chat with him and talked a lot.

Ding Lun listened to it, and then took Ding's mother back home.

Asking the servant to take care of Ding's mother, Ding Lun went to find Wen Tingting on purpose.

During Wen Tingting's meeting, he waited patiently in the reception room.

Yang Jian wanted to drive Ding Lun away, but Ding Lun said that it was because of Ding's mother that he came to ask for help.

Knowing that Mother Ding's meaning to Wen Tingting is different from other people, Yang Jian didn't chase her away.

When Wen Tingting went to meet the guests, Ding Lun was standing by the window thinking.I don't know what I'm thinking, it seems that I have a lot of things on my mind.

"Mother Ding told me not to see her again!" Wen Tingting cut to the chase.

Yang Jian told her about Ding Lun's visit. To be honest, she didn't want to deal with Ding Lun at all, and it would be best not to see him again.

"This is my mother's case. The doctor said that if my mother's condition continues to deteriorate, it will take up to two years. My mother can't eat now and is very thin. I really have no choice but to beg you." Ding Lun said sincere.

He has grown up so big, and he has never begged anyone, let alone a woman?This woman is also his ex-wife.

If it weren't for the seriousness of the situation, he would not have come to Wen Tingting.

"How on earth did you take care of her? Wasn't she fine a few days ago?" Wen Tingting was furious after hearing this.

Although Ding's mother's health has not been very good, but the doctor said, take good care of her, and Ding's mother will gradually get better.

"It's my fault!" Ding Lun closed his eyes in pain.

The culprit is him.If it wasn't for him insisting on dating Chen Xiaoyu, and falsely claiming that Chen Xiaoyu was pregnant, how could this disaster happen?
"Of course it's your fault! Let me guess, it has something to do with Chen Xiaoyu, right? You and her are your business, why should it affect Mama Ding's mood?!" Wen Tingting was furious, and slammed the door away.

She rushed to Ding's house as quickly as possible.

Ding's mother was in a daze, when she heard Wen Tingting's voice, she opened her eyes and saw that it was Wen Tingting, she smiled and said, "Ding Lun came to harass you, right?"

Wen Tingting held back tears: "No, I just suddenly thought of Mama Ding, so I came to see her. I'm staying here today, so please don't drive me away."

Ding's mother laughed when she heard the words: "This is impossible. If you are the daughter-in-law of my Ding family, it doesn't matter how long you want to stay. Since you are no longer from the Ding family, you are a stranger."

"Mother Ding..." Wen Tingting opened his mouth, and Mother Ding reached out to stop her.

For a moment, Wen Tingting was at a loss.

She didn't expect Ding's mother to be so stubborn. She didn't take what she said at the beginning, but Ding's mother remembered it in her heart.

"I'll leave you to have lunch at home. After lunch, you can go. Whether I live or die, what happens to Ding Lun's future husband has nothing to do with you, Miss Wen." Mother Ding corrected her expression and expressed herself Not kidding.

This girl is still very young, she still has a long way to go, and she will meet someone better than Ding Lun in the future, so don't be dragged down by Ding Lun again.

And Ding Lun once had a chance, he pushed Wen Tingting away step by step, this is a foregone conclusion.

She tried her best, so she has a clear conscience, and she doesn't want Wen Tingting to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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