Chapter 2616 Tearing the White Lotus (3)

Don't say that everyone is surprised that Yang Jian is not only handsome, but also dresses and talks so well, she doesn't look like an ordinary assistant at all.

Even Wen Tingting felt that Yang Jian was different from before.

He also wore a suit before, but he had never had such a strong aura like today, as if he was born to be a nobleman.

Why didn't she realize that this man had such a good temperament before?
Everyone automatically and consciously gave way, and Yang Jian walked slowly to Wen Tingting's side, "Didn't I tell you to wait for me where you are? If you don't run around, you won't encounter two cockroaches."

Zhang Min's complexion was as ugly as it could be.

She thought that she would be able to return to the city today, but who knew that Yang Jian would actually descend from the sky and become Wen Tingting's flower protector.

"I didn't expect that I could meet two low-class things when I was just strolling around." Wen Tingting took Yang Jian's arm: "Some people are jealous that you like me, but this world is not fair. I have money, Good looks, and luck, because I met you."

Yang Jian couldn't have appeared suddenly.

He clearly said that he was very busy, but he still came, and it seemed that he followed along all the way, that's why he appeared so timely.

"It's my luck that I met you." Yang Jian is not a sweet talker, but this sentence is sincere.

The onlookers posted the scene of them staring at each other on the Internet, and some good people took pictures of Zhang Min and Chen Xiaoyu besieging Wen Tingting.

This video spread quickly on the Internet, and as you can imagine, Chen Xiaoyu and Zhang Min became the target of abuse by netizens again.

As for Wen Tingting, a lot of fans have also increased, and they all feel that she is worthy of being a family member. Facing Chen Xiaoyu and Zhang Min, she is overwhelmed in momentum, let alone Yang Jian appeared in time, and the two stood together , very well matched.

Of course, some netizens still feel that Yang Jian's status is not enough, and Wen Tingting is the female president herself. It may not be easy for such a combination of strong women and weak men to go on for a long time.

It was also predicted that the pair would break up within six months at most.

The Internet was very lively, Wen Tingting and Yang Jian got into the car after leaving the mall.

"Didn't you say you didn't have time? Why did you come here? And you didn't say anything. If you didn't meet those two psychopaths, wouldn't you plan to show up?" Wen Tingting joked.

Yang Jian laughed: "It's just a coincidence."

After he received her call, he was no longer interested in business and simply went to the office building where she worked.The original intention was to go back to work after seeing her, but then unknowingly followed her car.

He thought that since he came out anyway, he might as well send her home.

Who would have thought that this girl would meet two disgusting women, Chen Xiaoyu and Zhang Min, when she wandered around the mall.

He was only glad that he had followed, otherwise, when she was besieged, no one would have helped her.

"If you don't come here, I don't believe there are so many coincidences in this world. Although you didn't say anything, I know you followed all the way here." Wen Tingting snorted softly.

Yang Jian was amused by her rich expression, he didn't answer any more, and wanted to send Wen Tingting home.

"We finally met, why don't we part after having a meal together?" Wen Tingting saw Yang Jian's plan.

Yang Jian hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "Okay, I'll take you home after dinner."

In this way, the two found a restaurant with a small family.

(End of this chapter)

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