Chapter 2618 Jumping to the Dragon Gate: He Becomes the Chairman (1)

In the end, Wen Changdong didn't say anything, but just slapped Wen Tingting hard to express his dissatisfaction with her.

He is Tingting's elder brother who has lived with Tingting for more than [-] years, but this dead girl turns her elbows outward, and the woman she trusts the most is Shi Zuizui, why doesn't this make him feel cold?

"Drunk eyes are much better than brother, otherwise brother would not marry Xiang Xiaorou home." Wen Tingting said the truth without fear of death.

Xiang Xiaorou was not far away, hearing Wen Tingting's words, she just wanted to beat her to death.

However, Wen Changdong just spoils this ignorant younger sister unconditionally, and she can only swallow her grievances.

Now she wants to see if Shi Zuizui's vision is really that good, and what is so special about that Yang Jian.

Shi Ran is looking forward to the time passing quickly, and hopes that the board meeting can go smoothly.

She has obtained enough votes in private, and as long as everything goes well, she can become the principal of Hongkang Industry.

So far, she is only one step away from success.

It was Shi Zuizui who taught her that men are unreliable, and only when she has real power can she be invincible.Next, just wait for the results.

At ten o'clock on Wednesday morning, the board meeting of Hongkang Industrial will be held soon.

Early in the morning, Shi Ran was fully dressed and fully armed, and she was satisfied only after making sure that her makeup was free from any flaws.

She appeared in the company full of energy.

Everyone in the company knows that the wind has changed.Hong Jiantang passed away suddenly. As the chairman's wife, Shi Ran has a great possibility of taking over the position of chairman.

Moreover, Hong Jiantang had no children under his knees. Once he passed away, the shares in his hands should be inherited by Mrs. Shi Ran.

In this way, she has enough rights, and with the support of some shareholders, she can take over the position of chairman.

So this woman must not be offended.

Everyone felt strange about Hong Jiantang's sudden death. The most ridiculous thing was that none of the company's employees had even seen Hong Jiantang's body.

Just because there is no evidence, no matter how many doubts there are, it is impossible to question Shi Ran, the chairman's wife, in person.

There are also private discussions that Hong Jiantang is luring wolves into the house, and Shi Ran is here for his family property and Hongkang Industry.

If he hadn't married Shi Ran, he might not have passed away suddenly.

Shi Ran led a group of company backbones to the meeting room.

She couldn't wait to know the result, even if the odds were high, she still couldn't hide her excitement.

When it was almost ten o'clock, all the members of the board of directors entered the venue one after another, and soon everyone was there.

"Now that all the members of the board of directors have arrived, the meeting can begin!" Shi Ran raised his voice.

Shi Shi also came, but he was waiting outside the meeting room.Zhang Hui also wanted to witness Shi Ran becoming the chairman of Hongkang Industry, but was stopped by Shi Shi.

Because Zhang Hui is quite capable of causing trouble, it is better to stay at home.

Don't say that Shi Ran is anxious, Shi Shi is also very anxious, and wants to know the result as soon as possible.

No one said anything, Shi Ran was very satisfied and announced the start of the meeting.

At this moment, Lao Zhao, the legal adviser of Hongkang Industry, suddenly raised his voice: "There is another board member who is not here, wait a moment!"

Shi Ran was surprised when he heard the words: "Old Zhao, are you sure?"

As far as she knew, all the board members had already arrived, how could there be one more?
"Of course I'm sure." Mr. Zhao replied decisively: "Just now he said that he has arrived at the gate of the company, and he is rushing over now, so he should be there soon."

(End of this chapter)

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