Chapter 2620 Jumping to the Dragon Gate: He Becomes the Chairman (3)

Since Yang Jian is here, how can there be anything wrong with this woman Shi Ran?

It took Shi Ran a long time to react, and she yelled, "You're lying!"

She had set up a game for so long, but it turned out to be a dead game, and she lost at the beginning, how could it be possible?
"You underestimated Hong Jiantang! He may be romantic, but he is definitely not an idiot. Do you think that if you marry him and kill him, you can get all his property? It's ridiculous. The person he guards the most, She will always be a femme fatale who covets his property!" Yang Jian sneered and hooked her lips.

Hong Jiantang will never give a woman a chance to murder his property, and he is on guard against Shi Ran.

Otherwise, they would not have transferred all the shares to him.

Very few people know about this matter, because the premise for the equity to take effect is when something happens suddenly in Hong Jiantang.

If Hong Jiantang lived well, he would not fail to inherit the shares.

Everything was calculated by Hong Jiantang.It would be fine if Shi Ran kept his position, but if not, Shi Ran would be the biggest loser!

Shi Ran sat down on the chair, his face pale.

Hong Jiantang was so ruthless that he thought of everything ahead of her.She thought she would have the last laugh, but Yang Jian came out halfway.

If it comes to calculations, how can she count against the old fox Hong Jiantang?
It's over, it's over.

She lost herself and calculated everything, but in the end she got nothing.

The board meeting continued, and Yang Jian became the chairman of Hongkang Group with unanimous votes.

This incident quickly spread throughout the country, and no one expected that Yang Jian, a boy who ate soft food, would become Hong Jiantang's own son overnight and the new chairman of Hongkang Industry.

As a result, the entire Internet was boiling, and everyone was saying that Wen Tingting had a good eye, and unexpectedly picked such an excellent man.

Those netizens who once laughed at Wen Tingting and Yang Jian were willing to show their faces and beat them hard.

Wen Tingting himself was busy with the meeting, so he didn't know what happened outside.By the time she came out of the meeting room, it was already 12:[-] noon.

She didn't know what was going on when all her colleagues congratulated her.

The newly appointed Li Zhu saw Wen Tingting's confused face and showed her the online video.

Wen Tingting felt very complicated after reading it.

So, what Shi Zuizui said is quite right, Yang Jian is even better than she imagined.She felt that she was not good enough for Yang Jian before, but now that she is better, she feels even more that she is not good enough for Yang Jian.

Yang Jian is now the chairman of Hongkang Industry, a well-rounded young talent, what can she, a divorced girl, do to stand side by side with him?

Everyone was overjoyed, but she couldn't laugh.

She was originally a very confident person, especially after becoming the president of City Sports Group, she has experienced various big scenes, no matter where she goes, she is very confident.

Even if her marriage hit the rocks, she didn't feel that she was any worse.

But now, for the first time, she has inferiority complex, what a hell!

Li Zhu thought that Wen Tingting would be very happy, but Wen Tingting put on a serious face and didn't check the news on the Internet. She didn't know what went wrong, and she didn't dare to ask, so she could only quietly leave the office.

After thinking about it, she still felt that she should tell Yang Jian.

Unfortunately, she called Yang Jian and did not answer the phone.Later, when I thought about Yang Jian becoming the chairman of Hongkang Industrial, he would have a lot of entertainment and official duties to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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