Chapter 2625 Lead the snake out of the hole (4)

Shi Zuizui echoed Lu Sui's words: "He can even grasp everyone's thoughts, which shows that he has thoroughly investigated everyone's details, and even knows everyone's temperament."

She didn't quite understand why Lu Sui kept the two evils Shi Shi and Shi Ran before, but now she knows that by keeping these two women, she can still catch bigger fish.

"Why don't we do this, let's attack Shi Shi and see what countermeasures the other party has!" Shi Zuizui had a sudden thought.

"But Shi Shi is backed by the Nie family, and Nie Zhiyuan and Nie Zhen will protect Shi Shi. I am afraid that the Nie family has helped her out of the crisis before that person has done anything." Lu Sui felt that this method is feasible. But there are many obstacles.

"What the hell is this Nie Zhiyuan doing? He actually supported Shi Shi behind his back." Shi Zuizui felt baffled.

Shi Shi has kept to himself recently, neither antagonizing Lu Wan, nor showing affection with Nie Zhen from time to time outside.

After Shi Ran entered the police station, he did not see Shi Shi showing his face in public, but Shi Shi did bail Shi Ran and Zhang Hui behind his back, but it failed.

It is indeed a bit difficult to propose to use Shi Shi as a bait to draw out the people behind the scenes.

The main reason is that Shi Shi has settled down recently, and it is not easy to make a fuss about her.

"Nie Zhiyuan is becoming more and more scheming. His goal is Xiaowan. And he regards Shi Shi as his pawn, so this is even more difficult. Let's play by ear, and don't be in a hurry." Lu Said lightly.

Shi Zuizui agreed with Lu Sui's words and hit it off with him.

Since Shi Ran's accident, Shi Shi has become more careful in his actions.She felt that the world was changing very fast. Originally, she thought that Shi Ran would become the big family, but how did she know that Yang Jian would come out at the last moment.

Shi Ran's good game of chess ended up like this, and he was sent to the police station.

What's interesting is that just when she thought Shi Ran couldn't stand up, someone actually found a substitute for Shi Ran behind her back.

In this way, Shi Ran was able to retreat from the siege, which was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

But Shi Ran's defeat this time increased her vigilance.

Shi Zuizui is too difficult to deal with this woman.

She and Shi Ran's goal was to take down Hongkang Industry first, so that they would have strong financial resources to deal with Shi Zuizui.But Yang Jian came out suddenly, and Yang Jian was Wen Tingting's boyfriend.

It's as if God is on Shi Zuizui's side, always giving her and Shi Ran a fatal blow when they see the dawn.

Shi Ran had just suffered a serious setback, so she could no longer take it lightly and let others catch her.

She was afraid that Shi Zuizui would take advantage of the victory and pursue him, and attack her.So she had to keep a low profile and calm down even more.

"Sister, I'm not reconciled!" Shi Ran said through gritted teeth.

She was wronged to marry an old man who was over fifty years old. She thought that if he died, she would be able to enjoy all the hardships.But what did she get in the end?

Not only Hongkang Industry was taken away by Yang Jian, but even the owner of Hongjiantang's villa became Yang Fan's mother and son.

She, the former wife of the chairman, was sent out in the snow without even a place to stay.

If it weren't for Shi Shi to rely on, she and Zhang Hui would probably be living on the streets.

"It's a blessing in misfortune that you escaped from prison this time. For the time being, let's cultivate your body and cultivate your character first, and don't make any more trouble. There is one thing that I find very interesting. Someone took a lot of effort to pull you out of prison. Although I don't know this Who is the person, but what is certain is that he is friendly with us. I guess, this person also wants to deal with Shi Zuizui."

(End of this chapter)

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