Chapter 2629 You are the most philistine woman (4)

Looking at Shi Shi and Lin Zhao together, they seem to be a little girl in love, so it must be possible that Shi Shi is really attracted to Lin Zhao, right?

If so, it would be ridiculous.

A woman who always only loves herself has extra affection for a playboy like Lin Zhao?

Thinking of this, Shi Zuizui couldn't help laughing.

"What are your feelings?" She deliberately showed Lu Wan the scandal between Shi Shi and Lin Zhao.

Lu Wan looked at it seriously, "I feel that the two of them look quite good together."

If a man is unmarried and a woman is unmarried, it is okay to be together.

"One is your rival in love and the other is your ex-husband, so you came to such a conclusion?" Shi Zuizui laughed.

The world is impermanent, and the person who once hated Lin Zhao so much could treat Lin Zhao as the most ordinary person.

"That's all in the past tense. I've understood it a long time ago. There is nothing in this world that time can't erase. Love, hate, it's all passing." Lu Wan smiled lightly.

She looked at Shi Zuizui: "You are not a psychologist, what do you want to study about me?"

"It's nothing, just asking casually. You are in this state, there are advantages and disadvantages. Although not every man is as good as Lu Sui, you shouldn't be too discouraged." Shi Zui Zui Le Hehe authentic.

Lu Wan smirked back at her: "Is this forcing me to eat dog food?"

The woman praised her brother.

"Just stuffed dog food by the way. By the way, when you have time, can you tell Lu Sui not to propose marriage from time to time." Shi Zuizui suddenly brought up this serious matter.

Although Lu Sui was very cryptic when he proposed, he was still proposing.

She was often caught off guard, and was tricked by him several times. She almost agreed to his marriage proposal. Fortunately, she reacted quickly.

"I'm pretty sure you're feeding me dog food!" Lu Wan looked at Shi Zuizui with contempt.

Shi Zuizui sneered, not daring to say anything more.

She was really afraid that Lu Sui would come to propose again suddenly. She had made up her mind not to get married, but he always did this. She was worried that her last line of defense would not be safe.

Sometimes she also thinks that it doesn't matter whether she gets married or not.If Lu Sui stubbornly wants a marriage certificate, then that's okay...

So, she is a woman with weak willpower, unable to survive Lu Sui's routine.

People really come to whatever they are afraid of.

Shi Zuizui just returned to the room, and saw Lu Sui sitting on the sofa. Seeing her return to the room, he waved at her and smiled charmingly: "I saw a nice thing when I came home, you must like it."

Shi Zuizui looked at Lu Sui suspiciously: "What?"

Don't be a ticking time bomb.

"Small thing." Lu Sui said, dragging Shi Zuizui to him.

Before Shi Zuizui realized what was going on, a ring appeared on his finger.

She looked at the ring, then at Lu Sui's smiling face, what kind of play was this?
She knew that every time he sent something, there was a trap, and as expected, she guessed it right.

"Do you like it? The first time I saw this thing, I thought it fit your noble temperament." Lu Sui smiled very charmingly.

Shi Zuizui didn't know how to respond.

She wants to say, why doesn't she know that she has a noble temperament?Hearing this from Lu Sui's mouth, it was too insincere.

"Why didn't you say a word? You don't like it?" Lu Sui looked directly at Shi Zuizui.

(End of this chapter)

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