Chapter 2641 Sudden Marriage Proposal (4)

"You are the second young lady of the Wen family who is confident. You are beautiful and confident, but in fact you are not as strong as the outside world thinks. After two failed relationships, it is indisputable that you are not as confident as before when it comes to relationships. The truth. Don't tell me that you don't think you are worthy of Yang Jian."

Wen Tingting snorted softly: "I really don't deserve him. Before meeting me, his love life was blank, but I experienced a failed marriage. In the past, I was slightly better than him in terms of status. He turned out to be fine , became the domineering president in an instant."

Shi Zuizui couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this: "Listen to you, you would rather have a bad boy?"

"What's wrong with that? I can afford him, and I'm happy!" Wen Tingting said, and then heaved a long sigh: "Now many netizens say that I'm not good enough for him."

"So you care about what those strangers think? But there are also a large number of strangers who think that you and Yang Jian are a perfect match." Shi Zuizui patted Wen Tingting's shoulder: "Your situation is not too serious. You should be able to figure it out in two days."

"Is that how you comfort people?" Wen Tingting was a little dissatisfied when he saw that Shi was drunk and wanted to go upstairs.

Is this still her own sister?

"By the way, Yang Jian is very good. If you don't hold on to him, you may be taken advantage of by other women. As far as I know, there are many daughters of the group who are trying to trick him. If I were you, I would hurry up Yang Jian is in the bag, so as not to be caught by other women." Shi Zuizui finished speaking and left.

Liuwen Tingting sulked in place alone.

Shi Zuizui, this woman is too bad, isn't this trying to make her sleepless at night?
That night, she tossed and turned, and didn't fall asleep until two o'clock in the morning.

When Shi Zuizui saw Wen Tingting's mental state early in the morning, he knew that his words had worked.

From her point of view, Wen Tingting is just a mediocre person, looking for trouble for nothing.

In this era, is there any question of who is not worthy of whom?A girl as outstanding as Wen Tingting is one in a million.Yang Jian and Wen Tingting are so well matched, Wen Tingting still thinks about what is there and what is not.

Fortunately, Wen Tingting is not stupid, she should figure it out soon and stay with Yang Jian well.

There was one person who couldn't sleep at night, and that person was Ding Lun.

One is because of his mother's illness, and the other is because the news of Yang Jian's proposal to Wen Tingting has been widely spread.

He never expected that the relationship between Yang Jian and Wen Tingting would develop so quickly.

I thought that after they divorced, he and Chen Xiaoyu got married first, why is it the other way around?

Wen Tingting's speed was actually faster than him.

Therefore, Wen Tingting was probably with Yang Jian when they were not divorced, and he did not accuse her of cheating in marriage.

Now that the wind of the media is blowing towards Wen Tingting and Yang Jian, he and Chen Xiaoyu have become the targets of attacks from the entire Internet, which is not fair.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Ding Lun went to the Urban Transport Group to find Wen Tingting.

"What's the matter, let's talk." Wen Tingting couldn't put on a good face towards Ding Lun.

Now that you're divorced, there's no need to see each other often.Ding Lun visits from time to time, which makes her incomprehensible. She doesn't think there is anything to talk about with Ding Lun.

After Ding Lun sat down, he said coldly, "I just want an answer!"

"What?" Wen Tingting didn't know why.

"You and Yang Jian had an affair long before our divorce, you clearly cheated within marriage!" Ding Lun got straight to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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