Chapter 2643 Hidden Marriage (2)

Yang Jian nodded without hesitation: "Of course, you are the most beautiful."

Wen Tingting thought the words sounded good: "Have you had breakfast?"

"Eat." Yang Jian didn't know what she meant by asking this question.

"Let's go out early after eating. You go downstairs first and wait for me in the car. I'll come down later." Wen Tingting said again.

Yang Jian didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd, but she vaguely knew that today's Wen Ting Ting was different.

He didn't ask any more questions, and went out of the room, leaving the door key to Wen Tingting.

About half an hour later, Wen Tingting got down and sat in the driving seat.

"I'll take you to a place for a serious business." Wen Tingting smiled mysteriously.

"What do you want to do?" Yang Jian was very curious.

"You will know soon." Wen Tingting said, starting the car.

Not long after, Yang Jian found out that this was not the way to the office building of City Transport Group, nor the office building of Hongkang Industry. Looking at Wen Tingting's mysterious appearance, she knew that this woman wanted to make trouble.

After arriving at the destination and seeing clearly where they came from, Yang Jian froze in the car for a moment without moving.

Wen Tingting jumped out of the car, seeing Yang Jian still sitting in the same position, she joked, "Are you scared stupid?"

Yang Jian woke up like a dream, and hurried out of the car: "What are you?"

Did he get it wrong?It was not what he thought at all, it was just a coincidence that Wen Tingting came here.

"When you come to the Civil Affairs Bureau, what else can you do besides get the certificate?" Wen Tingting said angrily, and she waved the certificate in her hand: "I found your ID card and household registration booklet from you just now, and I was afraid that the household registration booklet is with your mother." Woolen cloth."

Looking at her bright smiling face, Yang Jian didn't know what to say.

Just the night before, she had rejected his marriage proposal, and he could see that she was withdrawing.But she gave him a surprise so quickly, so he didn't know how to describe his excited mood at the moment.

"I even kept this from my mother. Not only my mother, but everyone in my family didn't know about it. After thinking about it, if I marry you with great fanfare, many people will pay attention to my marriage with you. If We are not suitable, we have to separate, and we have to be talked about by everyone. So I think a hidden marriage is the best way." Wen Tingting said his plan.

"If we get married, we won't be able to separate! I want to be with you until we grow old and die." Yang Jian said firmly.

Wen Tingting looked at Yang Jian absently.

It was his firmness that made her want to be brave again.How do you know if you don't try?She was afraid that one day she would be stupid and suddenly push away such a good man.

In fact, she didn't know how she felt about Yang Jian, but she knew that she didn't want to just break up with him, because if she missed Yang Jian, she probably wouldn't be able to meet someone better.

It was Ding Lun's appearance that made her suddenly want to give herself a chance.

She can't let those who underestimate her have the opportunity to laugh at her. If she wants to be happy, she has to take this step bravely.

"If possible, I also want to spend the rest of my life with you." Wen Tingting murmured silently.

Yang Jian took her hand: "Let's go, let's go to register. Listen to you, after registration, we will marry in secret."

Well, he has his own set of plans.

He wasn't sure if this woman had love for him, and even if he didn't, he would make her fall in love with him one day.

Most importantly, he wants to have a baby of theirs as soon as possible.As long as she has a child, she will not easily shake his thoughts in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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