Chapter 2645 Hidden Marriage (4)

Because Lu Sui wanted to see more of Shi Zuizui, he also waited in the living room until Wen Tingting entered the house with a smile on his face, worried that Wen Tingting's family would feel relieved.

"You child, look at what time it is, you come home so late, what should you do if something happens?" Yao Lijun scolded Wen Tingting as soon as she saw him.

Wen Tingting maintained a straight posture and did not dare to speak back.

Today is her and Yang Jian's big day. The couple needed time to be alone, and they didn't want to separate from Yang Jian too early, so it was a little late.

She forgot that Ms. Yao also set a door control time.

"Yang Jian sent you back, right?" Shi Zuizui asked.

"Yes, he just left. With him here, he won't let me have anything to do. Don't worry, mom. It's getting late, everyone go to bed early, good night. "

Wen Tingting was most afraid of Shi's drunk Huoyan Jinxing, so he didn't dare to stay longer, and ran away in a hurry.

"Look at this child, the bigger he gets, the more rebellious he is!" Yao Lijun looked at Wen Tingting's back, shook her head and sighed.

"It's normal. Of course, lovers want to spend more time alone. It's impossible for her to leave such a handsome boyfriend and come back to face boring people like us." Shi Zuizui looked at Wen Tingting's back and felt This girl is acting weird today.

She had never seen Wen Tingting smile so idioticly before, Yang Jian must have done something to please her.

At this moment, Shi Zuizui didn't realize that Wen Tingting got the certificate with Yang Jian so quickly.

"You go to rest too!" Yao Lijun glared at Shi Zuizui with a look of intense staring.

Shi Zuizui repeatedly answered, walked up to Lu Sui, and smiled brightly at him: "Lu Sui, good night, have a good dream."

"I'll take you back to your room to rest." Lu Sui followed closely behind.

"Lu Sui, stay here, I have something to ask you." Yao Lijun said without warning.

Shi Zuizui knew the meaning of Yao Lijun's words, so he took the time to escape.

Lu Sui could only look at Shi Zuizui's back and sigh, but there was nothing he could do.

After confirming that Shi Zuizui returned to the room, Yao Lijun said to Lu Sui, "Zizui and you are just lovers, you still need to understand the rules, don't let me teach you. At such a late hour, Zuizui needs to rest well before he can work hard , as her boyfriend, shouldn't you be more considerate to her? You and Zuizui are so indifferent to her before they are married, how can I, a mother, entrust my precious daughter to you?"

Lu Sui nodded again and again: "Mom's words are reasonable. It's my fault that I didn't think carefully enough. I will behave myself in the future and be more careful than now."

"Is this against your will?" Yao Lijun didn't quite believe Lu Sui's words.

She always beats mandarin ducks, will Lu Sui hate her?
"How is it possible? Mom does everything for Zui Zui's good, and in Zui Zui's heart, Mom is the most important person." Lu Sui replied truthfully.

Love Wujiwu, this is the most natural thing.

Yao Lijun saw that Lu Sui looked frank and didn't seem to be lying, so she didn't say anything else.

After Lu Sui moved into this house, he behaved well, and she could tell that Lu Sui always relied on drunkenness for everything.This is a sign of a man's true love for a woman, and Lu Sui's liking for Zui Zui can't be faked.

As for whether Lu Sui has true feelings for her elder, it doesn't matter at all, as long as Lu Sui is good to Zui Zui, that's enough.

When Lu Sui went upstairs, he couldn't help but go to the door of Shi Zuizui's room.Because he remembered Yao Lijun's advice, he still stopped here.

(End of this chapter)

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