Chapter 2647 Coincidentally, they also secretly married (2)

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your promise, and you can't go back on it!" Lu Sui strikes while the iron is hot: "Go and wash up quickly. After washing up, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register. When we get married, we will be the same as when we were not married. Don't worry, as long as we keep it secret, no one will know this fact, and no one will bother you!" Lu Sui coaxed and lied.

Shi Zuizui looked troubled.

And Lu Sui didn't give her a chance to speak anymore, and drove her into the bathroom.

While she was washing up, he was chattering away, saying that their life after marriage would not be the same as before.If she didn't want to, he wouldn't announce their marriage to the outside world.

In this way, she was moved by Lu Sui.

So, in the end, she and Lu Sui went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the two planned to register.

Coincidentally, the staff member happened to be yesterday, and she looked at Shi Zuizui meaningfully, "Miss Shi is even more photogenic than Miss Wen, she really deserves to be the most beautiful sister."

Interestingly, the two sisters spent only one day between their wedding days.Probably in order not to cause too much sensation, they separated on purpose.

"You also know me and Tingting?" Shi Zuizui was a little surprised.

She knew that she and Tingting were both famous, but she was a little surprised that even civil servants could gossip.

"Of course, it's hard not to know." The staff member said, his eyes fixed on Lu Sui's face.

It has to be said that the men the sisters are looking for are better than the other.

Yang Jian is already very handsome, but Lu Sui's face is simply a killer, no matter men, women or children, he will be fascinated by it, right?

In the process of applying for the certificate, everything went smoothly and was very pleasant.

When Shi Zuizui walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, he threw the marriage certificate to Lu Sui: "You can take this thing, it's what you need anyway, I can't see it, so I can pretend that I'm still unmarried."

Lu Sui smiled and put away the marriage certificate.

This is even better, he will keep it for the rest of his life, and if he is killed this time, he will not leave Zuizui.

Let this girl continue to deceive herself.

As for the hidden marriage, it is estimated that it will not be long before it is hidden, and it will be exposed sooner or later.As for the method of exposure, it is still uncertain.

But he can't be a man who can't see the light all his life.

How did Shi Zuizui know that Lu Sui, an old fox, was playing his wishful thinking?She also thought that what he said about the hidden marriage was true, and she also thought that being married was the same as not being married.

All she knew was that from now on, she would never have to be afraid of Lu Sui's sudden attack and propose to her.

"Honey, when are we going on our honeymoon?" After getting in the car, Lu Sui's words made her terrified.

"We're married in secret, why don't we go on a honeymoon? Even Young Master Wen didn't go on a honeymoon when he got married. Do you think it's appropriate for us to go on a honeymoon? If someone accidentally photographs it, wouldn't the whole world have to know about the relationship between me and you? !" Shi Zuizui said angrily.

"That's reasonable, but I didn't think it through carefully. That's fine. Let's go on a honeymoon when it's not so obvious." Lu Sui followed with kindness.

Shi Zuixin said that she would not be on her honeymoon, and kept a low profile. Looking at him like this, he seemed to be saying one thing and doing another.

Anyway, Lu Sui has many tricks, so she has to be careful.

After sending her to the ancestral hall, Lu Sui suddenly got out of the car and said that he was going to take her into the office.

"You used to deliver it to my door." Shi Zuizui reminded Lu Sui, indicating that he could deliver it here.

(End of this chapter)

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