Chapter 2649 Coincidentally, they also secretly married (4)

Ginger is still old and hot, and Ms. Yao got to the point right away.

In front of Lu Sui, she was really naive and easy to be deceived.

"Mom, Lu Sui is actually pretty good, he won't do anything to hurt me, so don't worry." Shi Zuizui said dully.

It's too late for Lu Sui to hurt her, so how could he be willing to hurt her?
Yao Lijun laughed angrily when she heard this: "I hear what you mean, even if you are cheated, you are willing to do it?"

"He lied to me for my own good." Shi Zuizui had the audacity to speak for Lu Sui.

Yao Lijun was speechless for a moment.

Her eldest daughter looks shrewd, but she is actually more soft-hearted than Tingting. It is not up to her, a mother, to worry about the relationship between these two children, but none of them can worry about it.

"Ah, I'm going to be late for work, so I have to leave quickly. Mom, I'm going to hang up first!" Shi Zuizui could sing and sing well, so he hung up the phone without giving Ms. Yao a chance to speak.

She looked back at Lu Sui: "You always play tricks for me, but you want me to deal with the aftermath. Don't you know how smart my mother is?"

Lu Sui smiled lazily: "I know what you are capable of, it's not a big deal."

Shi Zuizui didn't bother to talk to him anymore, he quickly washed up and rushed to the Zongguan hall as quickly as possible.

Xiao Wu mentioned to her that a local tyrant showed his love to his girlfriend by the river last night, she laughed secretly.It turns out that in the eyes of outsiders, Lu Sui setting off fireworks and then confessing his confession is the behavior of a local tyrant.

"Why doesn't Boss Lu know how to use this trick to please the owner?" Xiao Wu said suddenly.

Shi Zuizui's smile deepened: "He has never been a romantic person, but he is not a romantic person."

It was only later that Xiao Wu realized that Shi Zui's face was full of spring breeze, like a woman bathing in love.

Does this mean that the relationship between the owner and Lu Sui has reached another stage?
After dismissing the gossiping Xiao Wu, Shi Zuizui sat in the office blankly, suddenly lacking any energy for work.Since registering with Lu Sui yesterday, she has been promoted to a married woman.

But just like this, it also aroused her love for her children. She was not like this.

Emotions, this thing, will indeed change a lot.

After that, Lu Sui called and asked her how she was spending the night.He said that it doesn't matter whether it is going to the sky or entering the sea, as long as she nods in agreement.

It has to be said that last night's honeymoon for the two of them really made Shi Zuizui's heart a lot wilder, and she was also very moved by Lu Sui's suggestion.

But in the end reason prevailed over emotion.

If she and Lu Sui continued to linger outside today, Ms. Yao might drive her man out of the house.

Even if it is for the sake of the future of the two of them, she can't just think about the happiness in front of her.

Although Lu Sui was a little disappointed, he also knew that what Shi Zuizui said was right.

They are currently in a hidden marriage, and if one is not handled well, it may make the mother-in-law unhappy.

Yao Lijun is not a friendly person, if not a friend, then probably an enemy.

Even so, they finished their dinner out and then accidentally watched a movie.

When I got back to Wen's house, it was already 10:30 in the evening.

Yao Lijun waited in the living room with a sullen face, Shi Zuizui winked at Lu Sui, telling him not to speak, and she was responsible for coaxing Ms. Yao.

"Mom, we're back!" She sat down next to Yao Lijun.

Yao Lijun didn't look at her or speak, her expression was a bit scary.

At this moment, Shi Zuizui felt that Yao Lijun's aura was really strong, which made her a little apprehensive.

(End of this chapter)

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