Chapter 2652 Mensao's fans (3)

Yang Jian explained.

He had proposed this matter a long time ago and bought a villa, but my mother didn't like it and insisted on living in the residential area here.

"That's true. We are often away from home. If we move to a big house, Mom won't even have anyone to talk to." Wen Tingting echoed.

The two went upstairs while talking.

Yang Fan was busy in the kitchen, when she heard footsteps, she looked back.

I saw Wen Tingting and Yang Jian standing side by side, looking at their faces, they really looked like a husband and wife.

Her expression didn't change, and she said, "Go and sit in the living room, I'm making soup."

"Mom, let me help." Wen Tingting recommended himself, completely forgetting that he can't cook.

Yang Fan glanced at her, saw her sincere appearance, and replied: "You help wash the vegetables, son, you also come to help."

Yang Jian answered quickly.

Although the kitchen is not big, it can also accommodate three people.

Wen Tingting seldom enters the kitchen. She is glad that Yang Jian is also helping in the kitchen. Whatever he does, she will follow suit, otherwise she will be a disservice.

Could it be that Yang Fan also knew that she couldn't cook, so he was afraid that she would be embarrassed, so he called Yang Jian into the kitchen to help?
Thinking of this, she secretly looked at Yang Fan, only to see that she was concentrating on making soup.

When she came to this house for the first time, she was the president of Urban Transport Group, and Yang Jian was still her subordinate at that time.

This time, she came here as Yang Jian's wife, so the world is indeed impermanent.

How would she know at that time that Yang Fan would be her mother-in-law?
At lunch, she sat upright like walking on thin ice, not daring to overstep the rules.

Seeing her like this, Yang Jian was angry and funny.

After dinner, while his mother was doing the dishes, he brought Wen Tingting into Yang Fan's bedroom.

Seeing his sneaky look, Wen Tingting whispered: "It's not good for us to do this."

Although they are a family, they still have privacy. Yang Jian took her into the bedroom when Yang Fan was away, just like a thief.

"I'll show you something." Yang Jian said, opened the drawer and found a folder.

"What is this?" This aroused Wen Tingting's interest.

"Look for yourself." Yang Jian opened the document and handed it to Wen Tingting.

Wen Tingting took a closer look and was stunned.

It's all news about her in newspapers, but it's not entertainment news, but reports on financial news, and some magazine interviews.

"My mother looks serious, but she is actually your little fan girl. As long as there is news about you, she will cut it out." Yang Jian whispered, and quickly put the folder back into the drawer.

He took Wen Tingting out of the bedroom as quickly as possible, but Wen Tingting was still in shock.

She thought that Yang Fan was not easy to get along with, or that he didn't like her, that's why he was so indifferent to her.

It turned out to be just the opposite.

"My mother, she's just a can I say it, she's just a little sullen." Yang Jian said again in a low voice.

It happened that Yang Fan came out of the kitchen with a fruit plate.

After Wen Tingting knew the truth, he was no longer so afraid of Yang Fan, and hurried forward to help.

"It's rare for you to come back, so stay here tonight." Yang Fan said, his eyes fixed on Wen Tingting's face.

Wen Tingting smiled slightly: "Anyway, there is nothing to do on the weekend, we will stay at home for two nights, and we will go to work together on Monday."

There was a smile on Yang Fan's face, although it was very shallow, but Wen Tingting saw it.

It seems that, as Yang Jian said, her mother-in-law is a bit boring.

(End of this chapter)

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