Chapter 2654 Good Dogs Don’t Get in the Way (1)

Before Yao Lijun expressed his opinion, Wen Changdong was the first to object: "I don't allow it. The world is so chaotic, how can you feel at ease living outside?"

"It's a peaceful and prosperous world now, what's wrong? I used to live outside..."

"You and Ding Lun moved to a new house at that time, and now you are single and alone, how could it be the same as before? This matter will stop here, don't mention it again in the future!" Wen Changdong interrupted Wen Tingting.

Wen Tingting didn't bother to pay attention to Wen Changdong anymore, looked at Yao Lijun and said, "Mom, tell me something. I'm too tired from work now, the company is too far away from home, and I don't get enough sleep every day. I want to find a place to live near the company. Safety is up to me." The first thing to consider."

"Work harder, work harder, as your brother said, safety is the most important thing." Yao Lijun and Wen Changdong had the same thought.

"Shi Zuizui, what do you think?" Wen Tingting had no choice but to ask Shi Zuizui for help.

Shi Zuizui took Yao Lijun's arm, "Mom should agree to Tingting's request. She is an adult, and she cannot live forever under the umbrella of her parents..."

"Shi Zuizui, don't think that I don't know what you're up to! You think you can be the master of the Wen family after Tingting leaves home, right?" Wen Changdong interrupted Shi Zuizui in anger.

"Yes, I want to control you and Xiang Xiaorou the most, and make you my slaves." Shi Zuizui said angrily.

As for?What kind of complicated family does Young Master Wen think the Wen family is?
Wen Xiang, who is best at making troubles, is not in this house, and Wen Changdong and Xiang Xiaorou are the most capable of making troubles.

"Mom, don't listen to this witch's temptation. Tingting moved out, safety is the biggest issue, and I'm the first to object!" Wen Changdong said firmly.

After a moment of silence, Yao Lijun said, "I'm not at ease either. Before Tingting gets married, she can't move out. This matter ends here!"

No matter how reluctant Wen Tingting was, there was nothing she could do about Queen Yao's final decision, unless she revealed that she and Yang Jian were married and registered.

It's just that the secret marriage is agreed, and life is quite simple, because she doesn't want to make extra troubles, so she feels that now is not a good time to announce that she is married.

She later told Yang Jian about it, and Yang Jian expressed her understanding.They want to date, there are many ways, there is no need to rush now.

It is also very good to fall in love after marriage.

Interestingly, there are always people spreading rumors that he dumped Wen Tingting.Every time he was in the same frame with an unknown female friend, people would make a fuss about it.

He doesn't know if he looks like a flirtatious person, so the media always likes to make a fuss about his relationship.

Fortunately for him, he and Tingting are married, and Tingting trusts him very much and never believes the rumors spread by the media.

At the charity dinner on Saturday, Yang Jian and Wen Tingting appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Normally, he and Wen Tingting are rarely in the same frame, and the husband and wife also laughed off the non-existent rumors in the media and didn't take them to heart.

The person who proposed the same frame this time was Yang Jian.

Although Yang Jian doesn't like to explain, but he doesn't like people always speculating that he has a new love and abandoned Wen Tingting, as if Wen Tingting is not good enough to be worthy of him.

Originally, this was just a private matter of his relationship, and there was no need to show it for all outsiders to watch, but he wanted to prove to Wen Tingting that she was the best woman, and it was his blessing that he could marry her.

(End of this chapter)

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