Chapter 2668 Stabbing Heart (3)

"The wedding is about to start, we have to prepare." Chen Xiaoyu endured the unhappiness in his heart, and reminded Ding Lun in a low voice.

Ding Lun woke up like a dream, he turned to look at Chen Xiaoyu, and suddenly remembered the day when Wen Tingting and him had their wedding.

Wen Tingting is also wearing a white wedding dress, very beautiful, but he made a big fuss at the wedding.There was really nothing to recall about that wedding, but he remembered many details clearly.

In the blink of an eye, his bride was replaced by Chen Xiaoyu.

To be honest, it is true as others have said, no matter how beautiful the wedding dress on Chen Xiaoyu is, it is not as good-looking as Wen Tingting's in the wedding dress. The starting line of the two is different, and there are differences in appearance.

Chen Xiaoyu saw that Ding Lun was looking at her all the time, so he simply dragged Ding Lun back to the dressing room.

Ding Lun was a little bit in the mood, and found himself not excited at all. He didn't understand why this happened. Obviously being able to marry him and love him for half his life is the happiest thing in his life, but he couldn't laugh. Instead, he felt heavy.

What Chen Xiaoyu said to him afterwards, he didn't listen to a word until the wedding officially started.

Chen Xiaoyu saw that Ding Lun was absent-minded, but pretended not to know anything.

In any case, today's wedding between her and Ding Lun must not be missed, she must marry this man, and she cannot allow others to spoil their wedding, let alone Wen Tingting.

Holding this belief, she swallowed the questioning words back into her stomach.

The wedding went smoothly. When asked whether Ding Lun would like to marry Chen Xiaoyu, Ding Lun hesitated for a moment, and finally, under Chen Xiaoyu's earnest gaze, he struggled to say "yes".

Chen Xiaoyu finally let go of her hanging heart. She had waited for many years and finally waited for this moment.

She subconsciously looked towards the direction where Wen Tingting and Yang Jian were standing, and saw that Yang Jian was delivering food to Wen Tingting, and they were talking about something, Wen Tingting was amused.

Wen Tingting doesn't seem to care at all about Ding Lun marrying her, which goes against her original intention of inviting Wen Tingting to watch the ceremony.

As a bride, Chen Xiaoyu was very disappointed, and as a bridesmaid, Zhang Min was even more disappointed.

What she wanted to see was Wen Tingting's embarrassment, not the picture of Wen Tingting and Yang Jian's love.

She never thought that Wen Tingting and Yang Jian, who are rarely in the same frame, would have such a good relationship.

All along, she felt that it was a matter of time before Wen Tingting was dumped by Yang Jian, but what she saw was the opposite. Yang Jian responded to Wen Tingting's every request and took care of her meticulously.

This is completely different from what she imagined.

The most deadly thing was that she found that besides hatred for Yang Jian, she also had love. She was so jealous that she was going crazy.

"Is our Tingting so beautiful?" Just as Zhang Min was gnashing her teeth with hatred for Wen Tingting, Shi Zuizui's voice suddenly rang in her ears.

She was not mentally prepared, so she was taken aback, and when she turned her head, she saw Shi Zuizui standing beside her, smiling maliciously.

Zhang Min was shocked, but his face remained calm: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Well, my brother-in-law is so talented, and he is so considerate to Tingting, even a woman would be jealous. This is human nature, and I can understand your feelings. But, some people are like Yun Zhongyue, no matter how much you think about it, you can't reach it. Especially a jumping clown like you, my brother-in-law can't even avoid it." After Shi Zuizui finished speaking, he took Lu Sui's arm and left.

Only Zhang Min was left standing there, so angry that he couldn't breathe well.

(End of this chapter)

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