Chapter 2674 My wife is very soft and cute (1)

Lu Sui didn't take Shi Zuizui's worries to heart at all.What he wants to do most now is to announce to the outside world that he and Shi Zuizui are married.

The hidden marriage was proposed at the beginning, but it was just a delaying tactic to lure Shi Zuizui into his household registration book.The goal of the first step has been achieved, and the next step is the second step, he wants the whole world to know that Shi Zuizui is his wife.

It's a pity that Shi Zuizui never does any live broadcasts, otherwise he could follow the example of those entertainers in the entertainment industry and make a high-profile announcement that he is Shi Zuizui's husband.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

He specially registered a trumpet, and went to Shi Zuizui's Weibo to show his love to her.

He swiped several messages in a row, and he planned to show his love to Shi Zuizui every day from today.

Afterwards, he posted a lot of news about Shi Zuizui under his own account, and even posted a photo of Shi Zuizui's private server.

Next, as long as he let people know a little bit more, wouldn't this matter be settled properly?
Shi Zuizui had no idea what Lu Sui was planning.

She rarely goes on Weibo, unless someone related to her is on the hot search, she will pay attention to it, and take a look at her Weibo by the way.

Recently, the weather has been calm and there is no breaking news. She has not been on Weibo for more than half a month.

So when the incident happened, she was in a daze, or Wen Tingting specially called to ask if the person who showed love to her on Weibo every day was Lu Sui.

"I can't understand a word of what you said." Shi Zuizui was confused.

"Okay, you can go to Weibo first and have a look." Wen Tingting felt helpless when he saw that it didn't make sense.

If that's really Lu Sui's alias, and the weibo account of that alias is called Shi Zuizui's wife every day, does that mean that the two are secretly married?

Thinking of this possibility, she felt a little awkward, because she thought of herself and Yang Jian.

Yang Jian must not do this trick to her.

Sometimes men's possessiveness cannot be underestimated, especially people like Lu Sui, who will think of ways to prove their existence.

After Shi Zuizui and Wen Tingting finished chatting, they posted on Weibo immediately.

She discovered that a newly registered Weibo account had been pushed to the most prominent position by netizens. Since half a month ago, he had been sending her nine love messages to her every day.

When she clicked on that person's Weibo, she immediately understood that this person was Lu Sui.

In addition, there are texts and pictures, and an insider revealed that it is Lu Sui's trumpet, so everyone is guessing that she and Lu Sui are married, otherwise Lu Sui would not say "wife, Right sentence wife.

Shi Zuizui wiped his face, now it's all right, the whole world knows that Lu Sui calls her his wife, so can she deny that she and Lu Sui are married?

Just when she was in distress, Lu Sui's call came in.

"Honey, I seem to have made a serious mistake, can you forgive me?" Lu Sui didn't dare to lie too loudly.

Shi Zuizui sneered: "I think you set up such a trumpet in a premeditated and planned way. You think that you can let everyone know that you and I are married, don't you?"

How could she not know about Lu Sui's virtue?
Lu Sui suppressed his smile, opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Why, am I such a person?"

"Why are you not such a person? I believe in your evil, so I believe that you want to marry me in secret!" Shi Zuizui's voice became anxious, and he hung up the phone vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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