Chapter 2680 Pregnant (3)

Wen Tingting's face fell down: "My mother and Zuizui must be on the way here, why don't we hide for a while?"

The fact that she was pregnant was exposed like this, wouldn't it also reveal the secret marriage between her and Yang Jian?
"Sooner or later, we have to face it. Are you sure you want to hide?" Yang Jian stared at Wen Tingting intently. He hasn't slowed down yet. Is he going to be a father so soon?

"Go to your house to hide for a while, I'll call Zui Zui and let her fix my mother." Wen Tingting said, leaning on Yang Jian's shoulder: "It's all your fault that I've been feeling sick in my chest."

"Okay, okay, it's my fault." Yang Jian hurriedly supported Wen Tingting into the car: "You have a good rest, I'll drive."

Wen Tingting nodded, and then called Shi Zuizui.

As soon as the phone call was made, Shi Zuizui immediately asked, "Are you really pregnant?"

"It's true that I'm pregnant. It's been just one month. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl." Wen Tingting lowered his head and touched his belly.

Thinking that a little life was born here, maybe a little boy like Yang Jian, she couldn't help laughing.

"Now the Internet is saying that you are pregnant before marriage, and that you want to trap Yang Jian with a child. Do you really want to be an unmarried mother?" Shi Zuizui complained angrily.

She thought it was fake news, but who knew it was true.

Wen Tingting whispered: "What unmarried mothers, Yang Jian and I have already obtained the certificate..."

"What?! Did you get the certificate?!" Shi Zuizui's loud voice startled Wen Tingting.

She moved the phone away: "It's just that I haven't found a chance to tell you. We didn't expect to have a baby so soon, but the baby is eager to come to this world. Anyway, let nature take its course, give birth when you have it, Yang Jian is by my side now, he is happier than me..."

Under her lobbying, Shi Zuizui finally took over the burden of lobbying.

Wen Tingting breathed a sigh of relief.

With Shi Zuizui as a lobbyist, no matter how unhappy Ms. Yao is, she will let her go because of Zuizui's face.

They first went to the community where Yang Fan lived and confessed to Yang Fan that they were pregnant.

Yang Fan, who is always happy and not angry, was so happy from ear to ear when he heard that Wen Tingting was pregnant, which made Wen Tingting feel more at ease.

That night, the Wen family gathered in the living room.

Shi Zuizui saw that everyone was present, and announced that Wen Tingting was pregnant with a child.Moreover, Wen Tingting did not get pregnant out of wedlock, nor did she want to trap Yang Jian with a child as said on the Internet. The two of them had already obtained their marriage certificates.

Now all I have to do is fill in a birth certificate.

Yao Lijun was surprised after hearing this: "Are you sure they have obtained the certificate? Tingting asked you to convey such a big matter?"

"That's what she said. She said that she was just pregnant and needed to raise the baby quietly, and she couldn't bear too much pressure—"

"Come on, don't think I haven't given birth to a child, and use this trick to fool me, childish!" Yao Lijun interrupted Shi Zuizui's words.

"I think it's a good thing. The two of them didn't make a fuss about it after they got their certificates. Didn't they just want to be quiet? We have a lot of troubles in our family, and she doesn't want to make troubles. Too many things happened to her in the past year. She Just ending a marriage and starting a new one requires courage in itself. If it were me, I would choose a hidden marriage, as long as I know about happy things, it’s not for outsiders to see.”

Shi Zuizui felt that Wen Tingting still lacked a little confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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