Chapter 2688 Some love is gone (3)

Xiang Xiaorou was aggrieved at first, but later she found that everyone in this family was like this.They didn't come here to deliberately make things difficult for her, nor did they deliberately snub her, at most they just had nothing to say to her.

Even if Yao Lijun doesn't like her anymore, she will not accuse her for no reason and find fault with her.

It seems that it is not the Wen family's fault, but her own fault?

At this moment, seeing Wen Tingting being cared by everyone in the Wen family, she knew that the Wen family was so enthusiastic and unreserved when they were really warm-hearted.

If she is pregnant with Wen Changdong's child one day, will they care more about her?
The idea came to her, and she froze suddenly.

Originally, she didn't have much expectations when she married into the Wen family.After all, Wen Changdong, the husband, doesn't like her, and with Shi Zuizui as an enemy, she probably fights Shi Zuizui every day in Wen's house.

But since she got married, she rarely finds a chance to confront Shi Zuizui.

Sometimes she even prepared a complete set of plans, and at the end Shi Zuizui could dismiss her with a single sentence, because Shi Zuizui would not act according to her script.

As time went by, she gave up struggling to die, and felt that as long as Shi Zui Zui didn't provoke her, she didn't need to do useless work.

It's hard to imagine that she once hated Shi Zuizui so much, but now she doesn't feel anything when facing Shi Zuizui's face every day.

Vaguely, she felt that she had changed.

I don't know whether Shi Zuizui changed her, or the atmosphere of this family changed her.

When she saw the picture of Wen Tingting being cared by everyone, she found that the Wen family had bad mouths, but they were actually very loving.

After Wen Changdong returned to his room, Xiang Xiaorou approached him and said, "Honey, do we want a baby too?"

Maybe with a baby, she can focus her life on the baby instead of always thinking about Wen Changdong not loving her.

"Tingting is just pregnant, so don't join in the fun. There is no rush to discuss this issue in two years." Wen Changdong's words extinguished all Xiang Xiaorou's enthusiasm.

She couldn't find anyone to talk to. In Ancheng, she was the closest, and the only person who cared about her most was Liu Ruolan.

After listening to her words, Liu Ruolan persuaded her to relax and stop thinking about it.

"I'm not too young. I'm thirty in two years. Shouldn't women have children as soon as possible? He never thought about it for me. I wonder if he's just making excuses and doesn't want me to have children at all." Xiang Xiaorou said hoarsely.

"You just think too much and complicate things. If you really feel pain, you might as well leave. If you are confident, you still have a lifetime with Young Master Wen, and you can slowly let him open his heart to you."

As Liu Ruolan was talking, she saw Xiang Xiaorou crying.

She took out a tissue and handed it to Xiang Xiaorou: "Isn't it a good few days ago? Why are you starting to care about it again?"

"The whole family is concerned about Wen Tingting. When she became pregnant, everyone was very nervous. Seeing her getting so much attention, I was probably envious, so I brought up the matter of having a baby." Xiang Xiaorou paused, and then said: "It's not what I imagined married life would be."

In her marriage, there is no vicious mother-in-law, and no sister-in-law who specifically troubles her. Everyone's attention is taken away by Wen Tingting, so of course no one will care about her or disturb her.

This should have been a good thing, but instead she felt empty.

(End of this chapter)

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