Chapter 2697 Insecurity (4)

Seeing that Xiang Xiaorou's expression was wrong, Liu Ruolan comforted her and said, "Your business is my business, don't worry, you can sleep for a while."

After that, she called a doctor. The doctor thought that Xiang Xiaorou's condition was getting worse, and her family should pay attention.

After seeing the doctor, Liu Ruolan took Xiang Xiaorou's cell phone and called Wen Changdong.

Wen Changdong thought that Xiang Xiaorou was looking for him, and when he answered the phone, his tone was bad: "Is there something wrong?"

"Do you usually talk to Xiaorou in this tone? Wen Changdong, she is a patient, so you can't let her go?" Liu Ruolan became furious when she heard Wen Changdong speak.

"Who are you?" Wen Changdong asked coldly.

"I'm Liu Ruolan, and I want to talk to you about Xiao Rou's illness. She needs someone to care about her now, and your indifference to her will only aggravate her condition!" Liu Ruolan's voice was cold.

Wen Changdong thought that Xiang Xiaorou asked Liu Ruolan to be a lobbyist, and replied in a deep voice: "This is my housework, there is no need to report to an outsider like you."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Liu Ruolan clenched the phone tightly, her eyes gradually turned cold.

Until she felt that someone was watching her, she turned her head and saw that Xiang Xiaorou woke up at some point, probably because she heard her calling Wen Changdong.

"You rest at ease, Wen Shao said that he will come to see you soon." Liu Ruolan comforted Xiang Xiaoju.

Xiang Xiaorou shook her head, "Don't lie to me, he can't come to see me. I knew I was right, he wanted to divorce me..."

"Xiao Rou, don't think about it, he didn't mean it. He didn't come to the hospital just because he was busy with work. When he is free, he will naturally come to visit you. You are his wife, this is a fact that can never be changed. "Liu Ruolan continued to comfort Xiang Xiaorou.

But Xiang Xiaorou jumped into the horns and decided that Wen Changdong was planning to divorce her.

No matter what Liu Ruolan said, she didn't believe it.

After that, Xiang Xiaorou insisted on getting out of the hospital, and she got out of the hospital smoothly.

The Wen family didn't expect Xiang Xiaorou to come back suddenly, and Yao Lijun's face turned pale when she saw Xiang Xiaorou: "Didn't you be hospitalized to recuperate?"

Running back suddenly, how unsafe is Wen Tingting?

What Yao Lijun didn't say, Xiang Xiaorou helped to say: "Mom, is she afraid that I will attack Tingting again? Mom, I was drunk that day, and I didn't push Tingting on purpose. Changdong likes Tingting so much, how could I do this?" Something that hurts his heart?"

Yao Lijun didn't believe Xiang Xiaorou's words at all.

She went to the side and called Wen Changdong, asking him to deal with Xiang Xiaorou.Before it is confirmed that Xiang Xiaorou is recovering from illness, she cannot appear in front of Wen Tingting.

When Wen Changdong learned that Xiang Xiaorou had been discharged from the hospital, he was also quite frightened.

He rushed home as fast as he could, and saw Xiang Xiaorou helping the servants with housework.

Seeing him come back, Xiang Xiaorou showed a bright smile: "Husband is back?"

Wen Changdong couldn't laugh, he stepped forward and grabbed Xiang Xiaorou's wrist: "You haven't been cured, come back to the hospital with me, cooperate with the doctor's treatment plan, and recuperate well."

"I'm fine. I plan not to go to work recently, so I will take good care of my body at home. I promise, I will be obedient in the future, and I won't do anything that makes you unhappy, okay?" Xiang Xiaorou said, hugging her Wen Changdong's arm acted like a baby.

Wen Changdong has never seen Xiang Xiaorou like this before, he thinks Xiang Xiaorou like this is weird, as if she is mentally abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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