Chapter 504 Appraisal Result: The Little Catfish Is Drunk's Son (5)

Shi Zuizui wondered more than once why he was hypnotized five years ago.But one thing is certain, that is, someone wanted her to alienate Lu Sui, and that person deliberately instilled in her the idea that she hated Lu Sui.

"Maybe you should get back your past memories." Lu Wan said, looking at Little Catfish.

The little catfish had already noticed that Lu Wan was looking at him, he grinned happily, and the shallow dimples were faintly visible, the position of the dimples was exactly the same as that of the drunken dimples, even the depth was the same.

The more she looked, the more frightened she became, and then she looked at Zui Zui again, and found that this girl was heartlessly gossiping.

Do you want to tell Shi Zuizui, the speculation in her heart?
Or should she go for a paternity test first, and then tell Shi Zuizui after the result?
"If it's just some bad memories, it's fine to forget them." Shi Zuizui smiled brilliantly, "I think I'm pretty good now, carefree. If there's only pain in the memories, why do I have to remember them?"

Lu Wan couldn't find fault with her words. Of course, she also had a different understanding: "Whether it's pain or happiness, it's a part of your life. If a part is missing, it means your life is no longer complete. Doesn't it matter?"

Shi Zuizui was a little distracted, she thought of all kinds of uncomfortable reactions when she accompanied Lu Wan to the hospital, the familiar scene, her panic and helplessness, could it be her dormant memory at work.

Seeing her blank face, Lu Wan patted her on the shoulder: "It's not urgent to retrieve your memories, they are dormant in the depths of your memory, and you can retrieve them when you make up your mind to retrieve them. "

She made up her mind to do a paternity test secretly first, to see if there is a paternity relationship between Little Catfish and Shi Zuizui.

The next day, Shi Zuizui heard Lu Wan's words and said loudly: "You said you won't have abortion for the time being? What is temporary? Could it be that you will still have abortion in the end, but you are not in a hurry?"

But her child is more than three months old, and the operation is already hurting her health. If the delay continues, the older the child, the more dangerous it will be?Is this woman crazy?

"I will go to negotiate with Lin Zhao. I want to settle this matter by myself, so don't interfere." Lu Wan looked firm and looked at Lu Sui: "Brother, don't interfere."

Lu Sui nodded and agreed: "Of course, it's better for you to handle the matter between you and Lin Zhao yourself. But the premise is that you can't make fun of your own health."

"I cherish my life very much, and I have a sense of proportion. Don't worry, brother." Lu Wan readily agreed.

The most important thing at present is to do a paternity test. First, we must find out the origin of the small catfish.As for Lin Zhao, of course we have to meet each other to explain everything clearly.

After Lu Sui and Shi Zuizui left, Lu Wan made a special trip to the hospital to have the doctor do a paternity test.

Follow her to call Lin Zhao and ask him to come out and meet.

She waited in the teahouse for about two hours before Lin Zhao came late and sat down opposite her.

Lin Zhao wanted to look for an angry expression on Lu Wan's face, but to no avail.He couldn't see through this woman more and more, and the more he couldn't see through, the more he wanted to see through.This woman is becoming more and more difficult to control. He just wants to control her, and even more wants to control her emotions.

He used to think that Lu Wan was tasteless, but now he thinks this woman is too mixed.

After half an hour of silence, Lin Zhao couldn't hold his breath in the end: "My time is precious, what are you asking me out for?"

This woman is quite patient, he really didn't see it before.

(End of this chapter)

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