Chapter 513 The Mystery of Life Experience (6)
It wasn't until the sound of Lu Sui's footsteps gradually faded away that Shen Hongyue recovered from the trance.

She looked at the place where Lu Sui disappeared, and suddenly remembered that this was the first time Lu Sui called her mom in several years.

Lu Wan didn't expect that Lu Sui would come to the gallery to see her.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Lu Sui looked at himself, because after Lu Sui came in, he had been looking at her all the time, as if he had never seen her before, and he was extremely focused.

"Brother, you've been looking at me for half an hour." Lu Wan felt that Lu Sui was very strange and couldn't help complaining.

She's not Shi Zuizui, what's so good about her?
Lu Sui patted Lu Wan's head lightly: "The eighteenth female college student, Xiao Wan, you are getting more and more beautiful."

And such a beautiful Lu Wan is his sister.She grew up in Lu's family, but he seldom cared about her.And because of him, she met Lin Zhao, how unfair was fate to her?

"I have the right to take it as a compliment. But, no matter how good-looking I am, I can't match you, brother. You are the most beautiful man in Bincheng. Seeing how many women chase you, you can tell how attractive your face is." I like it." Lu Wan praised Lu Sui without hesitation.

Lu Sui smiled, looking at Lu Wan busy, thoughtful.

The client that Lu Wan received was Zhang Yun. Last time, because she went to the hospital temporarily and failed to sign a contract, it was changed to today.

After signing the contract, Zhang Yun also proposed an invitation, but Lu Wan did not refuse, and agreed to have dinner with Zhang Yun at night.

Zhang Yun's conversation is good, his manners are gentle, and the cooperation has been negotiated, so she has no reason to refuse the other party's invitation.

After Zhang Yun left, she turned around and saw the smile on Lu Sui's face.

"Brother, why are you laughing like this?" Lu Wan didn't understand why.

Lu Sui just felt very relieved.The girl is so good, even if she is married, it is better for a man with knowledge to appreciate Lu Wan. The man surnamed Zhang just now was interested in Lu Wan.

"Zhang Yun, that's a good name." Lu Sui looked at Zhang Yun's business card and smiled.

"Don't laugh like that, can you make it?" Lu Wan felt that Lu Sui seemed to be a different person today.

Lu Sui saw through and didn't point it out: "You are busy with your work, I will sit here for a while and leave."

Lu Wan believed it was true.But he never thought that Lu Sui had been sitting for a whole day, and when it was time for a date, he insisted on sending her to the front of the restaurant before leaving.

Lu Wanzhang was puzzled because Lu Sui's previous reaction was too strange. She didn't understand why Lu Sui smiled so ambiguously at her, let alone why Lu Sui wasted so much time with her.

Logically speaking, the person Lu Sui should be most nervous about should be Shi Zuizui.

When Lu Wan took her seat, she found that Zhang Yun was earlier than her.

As soon as she came, Zhang Yun opened the seat for her in a gentlemanly manner.

Zhang Yun is not a talkative person, and Lu Wan is not too talkative. The two chatted occasionally, and the atmosphere of the meal was very good.

Zhang Yun was a little nervous. He was having a date with his goddess for the first time. He was both excited and looking forward to it.Although it was only half an hour, it gave him a deeper understanding of Lu Wan.

In the end, he mustered up his courage and invited Lu Wan to watch a movie: "I know that a cartoon has appeared recently. The baby in your womb is more than three months old. Is it time for prenatal education?"

Lu Wan laughed.

The first time a man asked her to watch a movie was to watch a cartoon, or for the child in her womb, even the child's biological father had never invited her to watch a movie...

Thinking of Lin Zhao, her face darkened.

"If you feel tired, then try another day." Zhang Yun thought that Lu Wan was unhappy, so he hurriedly changed his words.

(End of this chapter)

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