Chapter 524 Crazy Demon: Stabbing Him With a Knife (1)

Looking at her pale face, Lin Zhao pursed his lips with a smile: "Just as you think..."

Lu Wan grabbed the shower gel casually and threw it at Lin Zhao.

Naturally, Lin Zhao would not give up easily and trapped her tightly.

Lu Wan clenched her fists tightly, she was motionless, her eyes were empty, she said to herself silently: "So you want to use this method to force me to slip..."

Lin Zhao was startled, and looked up at her.

What is going on in this woman's mind?
"You even saved money for surgery, you are really smart." Lu Wan smiled sadly.

She asked why Lin Zhao suddenly went to great lengths to send someone to rob her, because he wanted her to take away the child.

"No, I didn't..."

Just as Lin Zhao opened his mouth, he was irritated by the mocking smile on Lu Wan's face: "It's good that you know. Didn't you say to wait for the day when I push you into the operating room with my own hands? Why waste time!"

Lu Wan looked numb, she opened her mouth, and finally said nothing.

Now that the matter has come to this, it is better to end it sooner, no matter how hard he struggles, he will never let her go.

She pointed to her slightly protruding belly: "You might as well take a knife, it will be easier to take it out!"

As long as he is ruthless enough, she will definitely be able to make up her mind to break up with Lin Zhao, and she will never have to suffer because of this man again.

Lin Zhao's gaze was glued to Lu Wan's stomach.Even if she is pregnant and her belly is a little protruding, it still does not damage her beauty.

At this time, he felt that she was really pregnant, and the child in her belly was his.

The strange thing is that he obviously doesn't love Lu Wan, but she is pregnant with his flesh and blood.Soon she would bear him the child, and he would soon be a father.

He was distracted, and Lu Wan's unsightly words were like a basin of cold water, pouring cold water on him.

At the moment when he was stunned, Lu Wan saw a pair of small scissors not far away. She stepped forward to pick up the scissors and handed them to Lin Zhao: "Do it!"

She just wanted to see how ruthless he could be.

Lin Zhao played with the scissors in his hand, he smiled lightly and hooked his lips: "I don't want to do such a bloody thing, otherwise I will have to bear criminal responsibility, which will affect my reputation, you think I will lift a rock to hit myself feet?"

Tang Shiyao, the person behind him, naturally cannot know the law and break the law. Doesn't Lu Wan even understand this truth?
She is indeed a woman who is not smart enough.

But he just married such a woman and went home.

Lu Wan heard the deep meaning in his words, and her face turned pale with fright...

When Shi Shi came to Lin Zhao's villa, she thought that Lin Zhao hadn't come home yet, until a voice came from the direction of the second floor.

Is there a third party at home?

She stood in a daze for a moment, then stepped upstairs in doubt.

Because the door was open, she heard it clearly.Damn Lin Zhao, what is he doing?
She rushed into the bedroom quickly and witnessed the scene in the room with her own eyes.

This kind of forest photo looked very strange, and he didn't even know that there was an extra spectator beside him.

She was so ashamed and angry that she clenched her fists tightly and roared angrily, "Lin Zhao, you are sorry for me!!"

Lin Zhao was startled when he heard Shi Shi's voice, he didn't expect Shi Shi to come running over suddenly.

Lu Wan's eyes were blurred with tears, and she laughed loudly: "Absurd, too absurd..."

When Shi Shi came in, she saw it.It's ridiculous that as Lin Zhao's wife, she was caught and raped by Xiao San'er, isn't it absurd?

This is her sad life, she herself finds it ridiculous, so ridiculous! !

(End of this chapter)

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