Chapter 532 Jealousy (1)

When Shi Zuizui could hardly breathe, Lu Suicai reluctantly let her go.

Seeing her leaning against the wall like a frog, looking funny, a smile flashed in his eyes: "Zui Zui, do you know why you can't resist my kiss?"

Shi Zuizui breathed heavily, and maintained his original posture with his back against the wall.

Lu Sui straightened her body, his eyes were as gentle as water: "Because you liked me before, but you forgot."

Shi Zuizui looked at Lu Sui in astonishment, and stammered: "No, it's impossible, you're talking nonsense!"

"We were young at that time. Although you were bold, you were still a girl. You had thin skin, and you sometimes had hard times. I could feel that you liked me." Lu Sui looked into Shi Zuizui's eyes: " Every time you see me, there is light in your eyes."

Shi Zuizui suddenly became angry from embarrassment: "Fart your mother, my mother, how can I like a playboy like you, can't hold back the jerk of the lower body?!"

Lu Sui took a step back: "Don't rush to deny it, you should ask your heart."

He kissed Shi Zuizui lightly, Shi Zuizui's heart skipped a beat, and when she recovered, Lu Sui had disappeared.

Sitting weakly on the ground, she found that her heart was beating fast, as if it was about to jump out of her mouth. This feeling was exactly the same as when she was tempted by Lu Sui.

Every time Lu Sui got close to her, her legs would feel weak, and she couldn't help but want to get close to him.

At that time, she thought that she was not a dedicated woman, because not long after marrying Lu Sui, she fell in love with Lu Sui and left He Zhijing behind.

Could it be that, as Lu Sui said, she actually liked Lu Sui before she lost her memory?So she can't resist Lu Sui's beauty?
"Auntie, what's wrong with my mother?" Seeing Shi Zuizui staring blankly at the air, the little squid was a little jealous.

Ever since Lao Lu and Zui'er talked alone, Zui'er has become like this, looking out of his mind, isn't he being seduced by Lao Lu?
Lu Wan shook her head: "I want to know too."

What kind of moves did Lu Sui use to turn the mighty Shi Zuizui into this?
"Does mom love me?!" The little catfish rushed to Shi Zuizui's side, hugged her neck tightly and asked.

Shi Zuizui habitually put the small catfish on his lap, and mechanically replied: "Of course I love you."

"Then mother loves me more, or uncle?" Little Catfish asked.

Shi Zuizui was taken aback for a moment, she lowered her face: "Of course I love you."

She doesn't love Lu Sui at all, what Lu Sui said just now is all to lie to her, she can't be fooled by him.

The little catfish looked at Shi Zuizui suspiciously: "Isn't Mom lying to me?"

"You are such a young child, why are you so suspicious?" Shi Zuizui was speechless, the child's suspicious temperament was similar to Lu Sui's.

She slumped when she found herself thinking of people she shouldn't have thought of.

Lu Wan watched Shi Zuizui's expression from the side, and felt more and more that this woman was disturbed by love.

After the little catfish fell asleep, Shi Zuizui ran into Lu Wan's room and onto her bed.

"I have something to ask you." Shi Zuizui blinked at Lu Wan, and she took a closer look: "Does the wound still hurt?"

Although the stitches have been removed, the wound has not healed completely, and I am afraid that there will be scars in the future.Lu Wan is so beautiful, with such a good face, what a pity that she really wants to leave a scar?

(End of this chapter)

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