Chapter 552 She Called Other Men's Names in Her Dream (6)

Lu Sui stood at the door, looking at Shi Zuizui with deep eyes.

Shi Zuizui's legs and feet were weak, and his mind went blank.He didn't sleep at all just now, and he was cheating on her.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and finally Lu Sui came in, took her hand, and dragged her back to the master bedroom.

She followed him quietly, seeing the smile on his lips, she was not as cold as before.

He clearly saw that she wanted to take the contraceptive pill just now, and he changed his face. In the blink of an eye, he returned to normal.

It is said that women are fickle. According to her, Lu Sui can change his face faster than the sky.

"The weather is cold, don't walk barefoot in the future, so as not to catch cold." Lu Sui gently wiped her feet, and then tucked her into a warm bed: "In the future, there is no need for a small catfish to warm the bed, I will take care of it." this matter."

Shi Zuizui couldn't figure out what Lu Sui was thinking, and seeing that he didn't look like he was going to explode, he felt a little relieved.

Before going to bed, she was still thinking that she would have to take contraceptive pills tomorrow, otherwise she would be pregnant with a baby, and she would not be able to explain to the little catfish.

As soon as she fell asleep, Lu casually opened his eyes.In the dark room, his face was slightly gloomy.

Then, he got out of bed and replaced all the previous contraceptive pills with vitamin tablets.In order to prevent Shi Zui from going out to buy contraceptive pills again, he simply asked people to deal with them overnight, and replaced all the contraceptive pills in the pharmacy near the villa and the detective agency with vitamin tablets to prevent problems before they happen.

Don't want to have his baby?He let this woman beat him up!
The next morning, Shi Zuizui was served by Lu Sui to wash up, and Lu Sui only missed serving her to the bathroom.

She would rather he not be nice to her, so that she could reject Lu Sui as a matter of course.

The little catfish looked at Xin Shi from the side.Ever since old Lu regained his favor, not only did he occupy Zui'er at night, but he was not allowed to get close to Zui'er even in broad daylight. This is unreasonable.

One must know that he is Zui'er's own son, isn't Lao Lu just relying on his size and scheming to dominate Zui'er all the time?

When it's time to go out, Little Catfish wants to go to work with Shi Zuizui.

As a result, Lu Sui took him into the car as soon as he made a move.

"I want to be with my mother!" The little squid yelled loudly: "Mom, uncle abused me!"

Shi Zuizui heard the yelling of the little catfish, and hurriedly chased after her, but Lu Sui blocked her from the car door, showing a charming smile: "Honey, you can work at ease. From now on, I will not only take care of the outside world, but also the inside. I will train my son myself. You have to give me a chance to let Xiao Yuer and I cultivate a father-son relationship, don't you think?"

"Mom, don't listen to Lao Lu's nonsense, he just wants to separate me and mom. Mom, I want to be with you." The little squid stretched out his hands to Shi Zuizui, squeezed out two tears, and looked at Shi Zuizui eagerly. drunk.

Shi Zuizui was very distressed, before she had time to speak, Lu Sui said again: "Don't you think Xiao Yu'er has an Oedipus plot? He is just too clingy to you, boys should spend more time with their fathers to be able to Grow into a real man."

Shi Zuizui watched helplessly as Lu Sui took away the little catfish, but in the end he failed to bring back the little catfish from Lu Sui.

Lu Wan witnessed this scene all the way, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, my brother has a sense of proportion and will not abuse children. What's more, you like the little catfish so much, how could he do something that hurt the little catfish?"

"I'm just worried. Although there was no evidence to prove that he threw the small catfish last time, my intuition tells me that it was he who threw the small catfish." Shi Zuizui murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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