Chapter 554 She Called Other Men's Names in Her Dream (8)

"My name is Shi Nian, and my nickname is Little Catfish." Little Catfish replied in a crisp voice, not forgetting to pour enchantment soup on Jiang Xin: "Grandma has such a good temperament, she looks like mother's sister at first glance."

Jiang Xin was overjoyed by the little catfish's words. She hurriedly packed a red envelope and stuffed it in the little catfish's hand.

"Thank you grandma for the big red envelope." Little Catfish said obediently.

After chatting with the little catfish, Jiang Xin called Shi Zuizui into the kitchen, and asked in a low voice, "Where did the little catfish come from? He has nothing to do with you, right?"

Shi Zuizui looked outside and saw that Lu Sui was with the little catfish and didn't follow, so she was relieved: "Didn't I disappear for a while five years ago? I suspect that I went to have a child during that time, and this child is Little catfish, the paternity test proves that little catfish is my own son. Mom, Lu Sui doesn't know about this, so don't let it slip."

Jiang Xin's face changed slightly: "Why are you so confused? You don't even remember having a baby?"

Lu Sui likes Zui Zui so much, of course he can't let Lu Sui know that the little catfish is Zui Zui's own son, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

"I was hypnotized, and I forgot a lot of things. It's understandable that I don't remember my child. I don't know who the child's father is. How could I be so precocious and give birth to a small catfish at such a young age? "Shi Zuizui muttered to himself.

She couldn't find an answer to this matter until now, and she herself was in a daze.

The strange man she dreamed of that night, she guessed was Little Catfish's father.

"I remember that you used to like Lu Sui, why would you go to fool around with other men?" Jiang Xin was thoughtful, always feeling that there was something that didn't make sense.

Although it is said that Lu Sui was Shi Zuizui's follower when he was a child, she also saw Shi Zuizui's feelings for Lu Sui.Zui Zui is loud to everyone else, only shy when facing Lu Sui.Every time Lu Sui is mentioned, he can't hide his excitement when he is drunk, and looks like a shy little daughter.

Zui Zui liked Lu Sui five years ago, so how could he abandon Lu Sui, instead stay with other men and have children out of wedlock?
"I like Lu Sui, are you sure?" Shi Zuizui mumbled.

Lu Sui and Lu Wan also said that she likes Lu Sui, and now even Jiang Xin says that she likes Lu Sui.Is that as everyone said, the person she liked five years ago was Lu Sui?
If she likes Lu Sui, why is she willing to give birth to other men?

"Of course you like Lu Sui. For a while, you wanted to wear skirts for Lu Sui to make yourself more feminine." Jiang Xin said again.

Shi Zuizui wiped his face, feeling very speechless.

She had never thought of wearing a skirt in her life, let alone wearing a skirt for a man.

So she still has the time to fly, and it's for Lu Sui?

"Mom, you said that Lu Sui likes me, are you sure?" After a moment of silence, Shi Zuizui asked again.

"You silly boy, you're asking stupid questions. Anyone who knows you knows that Lu Sui likes you to death, and you're just asking idiot questions like you, a stupid girl." Jiang Xin poked Shi Zuizui's forehead vigorously.

Shi Zuizui broke into a sweat: "Why can't I feel that he likes me?"

Lu Sui knew the poisonous tongue, saying that she was a man's wife, that she was old and frail, and that no man would want her to be honest.Anyway, Lu Sui's venomous tongue made her doubt her life. How can she be so unobvious when she likes someone?


Today's update is over, tomorrow Lu Sui will know that the little squid is the son of Drunk, and he is going to abuse him.

The ranking of Piao Piao has dropped to 15th, please help Daqian to break into the top ten, otherwise I will not have the motivation to write.I have to say, writing is really hard.

Kneel for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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