Chapter 570 I Liked You Back then, Now Let You Go (8)

"It would be great if she had such a secure status." Lu Sui disagreed.

Xu Que had no idea how capable this woman Shi Zuizui was.Even when she is married, she can win He Zhijing's heart away.There is another unknown wild man who hooked up with Shi Zuizui a long time ago and gave birth to Shi Nian.

I'm afraid that if he divorces her on the front foot, she will be looking for a second spring on the back foot.

Thinking of this, he lowered his face, and the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he was to let her go free.

"I said you're not in the right mind. She's only 25 years old, and you've wasted half of her life. After divorcing you, she can't find another man to marry. Do you think she should stay chaste for you until she grows old?" Xu Quewen I can't laugh or cry.

Either way, Lu Sui is so possessive that it makes people heinous.

"After you get divorced, she will be your ex-wife. You are just her ex-husband. Whoever she associates with and has children with whomever is her own business. It has nothing to do with you, Lu Sui." Xu Que Make another cut without mercy.

The tighter Lu Sui frowned, the happier he felt.

Usually he is oppressed by Lu Sui, and he doesn't even have the chance to resist. It's rare that there is a Shi Zui drunk who can make Lu Sui dumb eat yellow lotus.

"To be honest, I'm curious what Shi Zuizui looks like in a dress. I remember you said that she was like a doll when she was a child, and she was very beautiful. If she had long hair and wore a skirt, would she be astonished—"

"Shut up!" Xu Que said Shi Zui Zui on the left and Shi Zui Zui on the right, Lu Sui felt his head was going to explode.

Sure enough, Xu Que shut up and planned to send Lu Sui to Splendid Hotel.

Unexpectedly, on the way, Lu Sui changed his mind temporarily and asked him to go another way.Soon he understood that Lu Sui planned to go to a detective agency.

While talking about divorcing Shi Zuizui, and at the same time doing voyeurism here, can Lu Sui's marriage be divorced?
"It's been three hours, aren't you tired?" Xu Que spoke to find his presence.

At this moment, Lu Sui's eyes lit up.He followed Lu Sui's line of sight and found that Shi Zuizui led the little catfish out, and Lu Wan was also there.

"Your sister is getting more and more beautiful. I heard that she is going through a divorce. What do you think I'll go after Xiaowan?"

Lu Sui finally faced Xu Que's existence squarely, and he lowered his eyebrows coldly: "If you dare to play Xiao Wan's idea, I will kill you!"

"Fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders, I think Xiaowan is a good match for me..." Under Lu Sui's stare, Xu Que obediently shut his mouth.

10 minute later.

"Shall we get closer?" Xu Que asked again.

"She won't notice at such a distance." Lu Sui felt that Xu Que was too noisy.

In this way, they tracked all the way until they were sure that they had entered the villa.

Two hours later, Xu Que said weakly, "Since we're all here, why don't we go to your house and sit down for a while." It's better than sitting here and drinking the northwest wind.

Who doesn't go in when they get to the door?
Lu Sui looked at the divorce agreement in his hand, and his mind wandered far away.

Seeing Lu Sui like this, Xu Que felt that love blinds people.If Lu Sui hadn't met Shi Zuizui, he would have made greater achievements, right?
But without Shi Zuizui, there would be no Lu Sui today.After all, Lu Sui wanted to become stronger in order to get drunk.

"Let's go." After another hour passed, Lu Sui quietly opened his lips.

Now that he and Zuizui have reached an agreement, the matter of divorce should be put on the agenda without hesitation or reluctance.

What he can do now is to give back the peace and tranquility she wanted, and give her back her freedom.

If you like someone, don't you just think what she thinks?


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(End of this chapter)

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