Chapter 578 Good gathering and good separation (8)
In the early morning, seeing that Shi Zuizui hadn't woken up yet, Lu Wan went to the bedroom and found Shi Zuizui sleeping on the balcony.

The little catfish is covering Shi Zuizui with a quilt.

She went forward to get Shi Zuizui's mobile phone, checked the call, and when she saw clearly that the time of the call was at three o'clock in the middle of the night, she understood why Shi Zuizui slept on the balcony.

Isn't Young Master Lu just an annoying little goblin?It's hard for me, and it's also hard for Shi Zuizui.

Shi Zuizui was woken up, she opened her sleepy eyes and found that she was sleeping on the balcony.

"Did my brother come to harass you in the early morning?" Lu Wan joked.

Just like that, she didn't believe that Lu Sui and Shi Zuizui could leave.

"Don't mention it, he doesn't sleep by himself, and even comes to disturb me." Shi Zuizui yawned, and went in to wash up.

She seriously suspected that after the divorce, Lu Sui would also be an inescapable trouble.

"My brother is very dependent on you. He will probably talk to you when he is in a good mood, but he also wants to talk to you when he is in a bad mood. Do you think you can get rid of my brother?" Lu Wan's voice sounded.

Shi Zuizui spat out a mouthful of toothpaste foam: "I'm not that important."

When Shi Zuizui went downstairs and saw Lu Sisi sitting at the dining table, her eyebrows twitched slightly.

I really come here for whatever I am afraid of.

"Aren't you still on a business trip in other countries when you called me?" Shi Zuizui sat down opposite Lu Sui and asked with a half-smile.

"I flew back overnight just to see if my prospective ex-wife is doing well." Lu Sui said coldly.

Seeing Shi Zuizui's ruddy face, one knew that she was doing well.

Thanks to him not thinking about tea and food because of her, this woman is heartless.

"Ex-husband-to-be, don't bother you, I'm doing well." Shi Zuizui contradicted him not to be outdone.

Seeing that the two were confronting each other as soon as they met, Lu Wan lightly tugged on Shi Zuizui's cuff, and reminded in a low voice, "How about getting together and breaking up?"

Shi Zuizui coughed lightly, secretly thinking that it made sense.I'm leaving anyway, so why bother with this small-bellied man?

Looking at Lu Sui's vigor and well-dressed appearance, he doesn't look like the decadent drunk man in yesterday's photo. Now she suspects that Xu Que is trying to deceive her on purpose.

"Your complexion is sallow, your eyes are dull, and your seal is black. In my opinion, you may be imprisoned. Shi Zuizui, you'd better be careful, and be careful not to offend officials."

As soon as Lu Sui uttered a poisonous word, Shi Zuizui felt itchy and wanted to hit someone.

He called her baby when he was flattering her, and when he was about to divorce her, he immediately showed a vicious villainous face. For such a petty man, leave him earlier and give birth earlier.

Lu Wan was also secretly speechless, no wonder Zui Zui didn't believe that Lu Sui liked her at first, but with Lu Sui's vicious mouth, who would believe that he likes Zui Zui?
"You have crow's feet in the corners of your eyes. At first glance, you look like a 50- to [-]-year-old aunt..."

"Surnamed Lu, shut up!" Shi Zuizui interrupted Lu Sui's chatter.

The little catfish just happened to go downstairs, when Lu Sui saw him, he showed a kind big brother face: "Little Yujing, come and sit next to my brother."

Little Catfish looked at Lu Sui, feeling like he was looking at a psychopath.

Lu Wan and Shi Zuizui looked at each other, thinking of being together with Little Catfish.With Lu Sui's appearance like this, it seemed that he was too stimulated, and his mind was a little deranged.

"Uncle just explained what it means to be shameless." The little catfish said, and sat down beside Shi Zuizui.

But Lu Sui didn't let him go, stretched out his arms, and fished the little catfish to his side: "Little fish spirit, where is your damn father?"


Haha, I feel that everyone is still very good and has great potential, and they caught up with hundreds of votes in no time.If you put more effort, you can rush up, babies, come on, love Nimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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