Chapter 587 Divorce, it’s good for you and me (1)

Seeing Lin Zhao coming, Nie Zhiyuan not only didn't let go of Lu Wan, but put his hands on Lu Wan's waist, "Lin Zhao, you came just in time. I was just asking when Wan'er will divorce you, and she said she would It depends on what you mean. I'm still waiting for you to let Wan'er go free so that I can marry your ex-wife."

Lin Zhao's gaze was fixed on Nie Zhiyuan's unruly hand, he restrained all his expressions, and replied softly: "If I remember correctly, you only like places where you don't have sex, when will you be reduced to playing with me? woman?"

"Wan'er is different. She is the most interesting woman I have ever met. Plus I fell in love with her at first sight. For a good woman like her, I am willing to settle down." Nie Zhiyuan looked at Lu Wan dotingly: "If not She has a conservative personality and is unwilling to have an extramarital affair with me, so I simply got on the bus first and paid for the fare. Get her body first, and then get her heart."

Lu Wan's expression was the same, but she was slandering in her heart. Nie Zhiyuan and Lin Zhao were not the same, treating women like playthings.

If it wasn't for the fact that Nie Zhiyuan could be used, she wouldn't have the courage to get too close to Nie Zhiyuan.

"Others don't know you, don't I? Are you willing to marry Lu Wan, including raising my child?!" Lin Zhao sneered, and couldn't believe a word Nie Zhiyuan said.

However, Nie Zhiyuan really has a way of abducting women, otherwise there wouldn't be so many women who would be tired of being played by Nie Zhiyuan and abandoned. This is a playboy who has no bottom line and no lower limit.

"Wan'er seems to be planning to give birth to your child, but I will not deal with you. If she is born, I will probably persuade her to give the child back to you. As for Wan'er and I, we will have our own children in the future." Nie Zhiyuan flicked Lu Wan's forehead lightly: "Wan'er, do you think so?"

When Lu Wan heard the name "Wan'er", she immediately reacted, and she couldn't keep her eyes off the show.

"Just tell me, if you don't answer me, I'll kiss you..." As soon as Nie Zhiyuan finished speaking, he hit Lu Wan's pink lips.

He had long thought that Lu Wan's small mouth looked lovely, but he didn't know how it tasted.

Lu Wan didn't expect that Nie Zhiyuan would come as soon as he said it, and she was frightened for a moment. She was about to be kissed by Nie Zhiyuan, but Lin Zhao made a sudden move and pushed Nie Zhiyuan a foot away.

Lu Wan's heart missed several beats, and she was still in shock. She was almost kissed by a strange man just now?Being with wolves is indeed playing with fire, but she only met Nie Zhiyuan today.

After Nie Zhiyuan bought the painting, he went back and forth, categorically saying that Lin Zhao would come to her, that he would play a play with her and watch Lin Zhao's jokes.

She also wanted to know if Nie Zhiyuan really knew Lin Zhao so well. She didn't want to be guessed by Nie Zhiyuan, so she could only bite the bullet and continue acting with Nie Zhiyuan.

Nie Zhiyuan was pushed by Lin Zhao, but he was not angry, and said with a smile: "You are so angry when I kiss Wan'er, if I kiss Wan'er a few times, you still have to kill me? Ah Zhao, you I was not such a petty man before, this is not like your style."

Lin Zhao's face darkened: "Don't touch her, she is not from your world!"

The smile on Nie Zhiyuan's face subsided, and he looked at Lu Wan who was standing aside.The first time he saw Lu Wan, he knew that Lin Zhao was right. Lu Wan was not the kind of woman who would come out to play.

She looked like a woman from a good family, and she couldn't do anything out of the ordinary.But it would be fun to turn a decent woman into a slut.

(End of this chapter)

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