Chapter 662 Take away the child (4)

Shi Zuizui couldn't hold back the tears she could hold back anymore, she choked up and said, "If you like it, you can stay. Lin Zhao has no right to decide the fate of the child."

This child has been formed for more than five months. How could Lin Zhao be so cruel to make Lu Wan undergo an abortion? It would be too hurtful.

This is a formed little life, how could he do it? !
"I want to keep the child, but as long as there is a child, Lin Zhao will continue to trouble me. Since I want to make a clean break with Lin Zhao, why don't I just give up everything he gave me? I think, Lin Zhao's opinion That's right." Lu Wan chuckled lightly: "I can figure it out after a night of sleep, don't worry."

"One day Lin Zhao will be punished!!" Shi Zuizui gritted his teeth.

Lu Wan didn't answer, she was immersed in her own thoughts.

She has emotions and desires, so of course she will be sad, but her sadness cannot keep her child.

When Lu Wan entered the bathroom, Shi Zuizui called Lu Sui.

Lu Sui couldn't believe it. This was the first time Shi Zuizui called him after their divorce.

"Lin Zhao just asked Xiao Wan to get rid of the child." Shi Zuizui said sullenly.

Lu Sui frowned slightly, he didn't expect that Shi Zuizui called him because of this matter.

After a while he said: "Then take it away—"

The next moment, Shi Zuizui cut off the phone.He called again, but Shi Zuizui didn't answer and ignored him all night.

After Shi Zuizui and Lu Sui talked on the phone, they deeply felt that a creature like a man is too cruel.Lu Wan is Lu Sui's biological sister, but Lu Sui can say such heartless words.

Lin Zhao used to be Lu Wan's bedside person, and Lu Wan once loved him so sincerely, he could also tell Lu Wan to get rid of the child.

I don't know if it was influenced by Lu Wan, but she suddenly felt uncomfortable in her stomach.

She leaned on the sofa for a while before she recovered.

Lu Wan went to bed early to rest, and she didn't dare to tell Lu Wan about it, she only hoped that she was careless.

She didn't remember being pregnant with a baby catfish before, and wondered if she had such a stomachache before.

As for this child, she always felt uneasy, and she only hoped that she was thinking too much.

Shi Zuizui decided to go to the hospital for a more detailed examination the next day to avoid any accidents.

That night, Lu Wan didn't sleep well, and whenever she fell asleep, she would have nightmares.The dream was full of the cry of the child, even when she woke up from the dream, the cry of the child was still around her ears.

Lu Wan couldn't sleep well, and Shi Zuizui couldn't sleep well either.She had some weird dreams again. In the dream, she was in the delivery room and saw doctors and nurses surrounding her, and then there was the cry of the baby...

When she opened her eyes, she found that she was sweating profusely.

It was still dark at this time, and it was gray outside. When she walked out of the bedroom, she found that Lu Wan had also woken up early and was sitting on the balcony.When she got closer, she heard Lu Wan muttering to herself: "My child, in the next life, you must vote for a good family..."

Her eyes were stinging, she turned around quietly, and went back to the bedroom.

She looked at the quiet sleeping face of the little catfish, and she was only glad that she gave birth to this child that year.

Maybe some bad things happened that year, but she still resisted the pressure.Lu Wan is not as lucky as her. She is still unable to keep her five-month-old child. Why is this not sad?

Shi Zuizui sat on the edge of the bed blankly, just looking at the face of the little catfish, he couldn't get enough of it.

The little catfish just woke up when Shi Zuizui hugged him and kissed him twice.

(End of this chapter)

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