Chapter 768 Lu Sui hates her, brother and sister turn against each other (6)

Wen Tingting blushed when she heard the words: "He hasn't agreed to be my boyfriend yet, I've been pestering him all this time."

She is not a fool, let alone blindly confident.

She could see very clearly that the person Lu Suiyuan was complaining about was Shi Zuizui, which meant that the person he was reading was also Shi Zuizui.

"Since that's the case, Ms. Wen should work harder. Ms. Wen is a good woman. Maybe my brother is suitable to live with a woman like Ms. Wen." After Lu Wan finished speaking, she walked away slowly.

Lu Sui looked at her back and was in a daze for a long time. He didn't expect that Lu Wan, who had always regarded him as an idol, would alienate him.

It turned out that she knew everything.She knew that everyone in the Lu family didn't like her. She yearned for family affection for half her life, but in the end she only hoped for his use.

But in the end, he really cared about this sister, but it was not pure enough, because he couldn't let go of his child's disappearance for no apparent reason.

No matter what kind of emotion, if it is mixed with other complicated factors, it will appear hypocritical.

All his betrayals were found by himself.

"You are Xiao Wan's elder brother after all, she won't be angry with you for too long." Wen Tingting comforted Lu Sui.

She even remembered the way Lu Wan looked up at Lu Suixiao with such joy.Lu Wan's liking for Lu Sui's brother is so direct and obvious.

They are brothers and sisters, how can there be any overnight feud?

"You don't understand." Lu Sui sighed in a low voice.

How can he understand what he owes Lu Wan in a few words?He has kept this sister out of his heart since he was a child. After so many years, he owes Lu Wan [-] years of affection.

How will he repay such a debt?Unless he can turn back time.

He thought he just lost his child and his wife, but because of his obsession, he even lost his sister.

"Tell me what I don't understand, and I will gradually understand." When Wen Tingting looked at Lu Sui, there were stars in his eyes.

The longer she spent with him, the more she loved him.The more she loved him, the more she wanted to make him happy.

But he was always cold, looking at her with cold eyes.

Even so, she still couldn't restrain her love for him.

Lu Sui turned to look at Wen Tingting, meeting her clear and energetic eyes.Her eyes looked like Shi Zuizui, but she couldn't be Shi Zuizui.

His eyes became colder, "Don't get close to me, or you will only get hurt. The reason why I didn't drive you too far is because you are worth using. I want to use your pain to get drunk, it's as simple as that That's all."

Xiao Wan is right, he is a cold-blooded and ruthless person.He can even use his younger sister, let alone Wen Tingting, an irrelevant outsider.

A look of hurt flashed across Wen Tingting's eyes, she hesitated for a moment, then smiled: "It is my value to be used by you, and you will still use me in the future, just tell me, I am not afraid of being used by you, just afraid of being used by you." I have no chance to stand with you again."

At this moment, Lu Sui saw Lu Wan's shadow on Wen Tingting.At that time, Lu Wan was also under the influence of Lin Zhao, no matter what he said, Lu Wan would not listen.

Later, Lu Wan married Lin Zhao, and Lin Zhao had an affair in the marriage. Lu Wan lost her child and almost lost her life.All of that, as if it happened yesterday.

Now, such a woman came again, he seemed to have become another Lin Zhao.

(End of this chapter)

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