Chapter 814 Those who love him, those he loves, he is losing (4)

Lu Sui hesitated for a moment, but finally gave in.

He opened the refrigerator, took out the lean meat, and started cooking porridge.

Seeing him busy for Lu Wan, Shi Zuizui was a little distracted.As soon as Lu Sui turned his head, he met her dull eyes.

"Do you really love Xiao Wan?" Shi Zuizui asked.

I didn't care about Lu Wan before, why did I suddenly start to treat Lu Wan again?Is there any reason for this?
"She is my only sister, how could I not love her?" Lu Sui replied quietly.

Shi Zuizui sneered: "After Xiaowan wakes up, you can tell her again."

Lu Wan is right, Lu Sui is cold-blooded and ruthless, he treats everyone the same.Maybe Lu Wan he loves is the lost child, not the current one.

When Lu Wan woke up, it was already dark.

She sat up in a daze, and got used to the darkness in the room before she got out of bed and turned on the light.

When she opened the door and saw Lu Sisi sitting on the sofa, she stared blankly.

Sensing her gaze, Lu Sui turned to look at her: "I boiled lean meat porridge and it's still hot. You don't feel well. Drink some porridge to cleanse your stomach."

Lu Wan shook her head: "I'm not hungry."

She didn't know how to face Lu Sui.The elder brother she was proud of was not her own elder brother.It was she who changed Lu Wan's life and robbed Lu Wan's brother.

She doesn't even know who she is.

"Honey, you can't do without food. This is the porridge my brother cooked for you, you can eat as much as you want." Before Nie Zhiwu could speak, Lu Wan's eyes turned red.

Before he realized what was going on, Lu Wan threw herself into his arms and hid in his arms.

He was so flattered that he didn't know what to do for a while.

What stimulated Lu Wan to suddenly crawl into his arms?If she develops this habit in the future, won't he make a lot of money?

Seeing this scene, Lu Sui frowned slightly.

Without saying anything, he added a bowl of porridge, heated up the food, and brought it to Lu Wan.Lu Wan was unwilling to eat, she looked at Nie Zhiyuan.

Nie Zhiyuan didn't understand what she meant, and asked softly, "Did you miss me?"

Lu Wan didn't mean that, but if she didn't have to face Lu Sui, she felt that there was nothing wrong with asking Nie Zhiyuan to feed her, so she nodded immediately.

Nie Zhiyuan secretly felt that his spring had come, and his wife became more and more dependent on him, which was a good thing.

When Lu Sui saw the scene where Nie Zhiyuan was feeding Lu Wan porridge, he felt a little choked up.Ever since Lu Wan woke up, she didn't look at him directly. Instead, she flirted with Nie Zhiyuan. Could it be that my brother is not important if I have a husband?
After that, Lu Wan didn't want to talk to Lu Sui either, and hid in the bedroom after eating.

Lu Sui wanted to chat with her alone, but Lu Wan was unwilling. In the end, he returned without success, and before leaving, he called Shi Zuizui out of the house and asked her to give it away.

Shi Zuizui was dragged downstairs by Lu Sui, very passive.

Afterwards, she was dragged into the car by Lu Sui. Seeing Lu Sui's excited appearance, she thought that Lu Sui's nervousness towards Lu Wan did not seem to be a lie.

"What's going on with Xiao Wan? Why doesn't she look at me or talk to me? Did I do something wrong to make her unhappy? She has always been good-natured, and she is not a person who holds grudges. She has no reason to ignore me. In this way, if you tell me the reason, I will buy you whatever you want." Lu Sui said a long list, Shi Zuizui only remembered the last sentence.

When she was Lu Sui's wife, she never saw him buy her any presents.Now for Lu Wan, he will give her whatever she wants?
(End of this chapter)

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