Chapter 889 Whiteheads Overnight (9)

After Shi Zuizui finished what he wanted to say, he walked away gracefully.

Only Shi Shi was left sitting on the reclining chair blankly, and it took her a while to realize that she hurried to the mirror to look at her hair carefully.Seeing this, she was startled, as if she really had white hair.

How is it possible, she just didn't sleep all night, why did she have gray hair so soon?She is only 22 years old, so young, how is it possible? !
Not long after, Shi Shi's assistant entered.

Shi Shi seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw, grabbed the assistant's hand and asked, "Help me, is my hair gray?"

The assistant looked carefully, maybe because of the light, Shi Shi's hair seemed to be a little white.But if you stand in a darker place, it doesn't seem to exist.

For a while, she didn't know whether Shi Shi's hair was gray or not, let alone whether she should tell the truth.

Seeing the assistant's reaction, Shi Shi's heart became even colder, thinking that he had a lot of gray hair and was aging prematurely.

People say that beauty is late, but she is still so young, how can she have white hair?When she looked in the mirror again, she felt that there were fine lines under the corners of her eyes, which hurt her heart even more.

For the next whole day, Shi Shi was not in the mood for filming, and was laughed at by everyone in the crew.

In Shi Shi's view, these people are laughing at how a beauty like her ages so quickly.

Under all kinds of pressure, Shi Shi was overwhelmed, coupled with not sleeping all night, finally fell ill.

Lin Zhao heard that Shi Shi was sick, so he came to the set to pick up Shi Shi and took Shi Shi into the car, but his eyes were glued to Lu Wan's face, and he couldn't move away for a long time.

Shi Shi fell ill, but it didn't mean she was blind and couldn't see Lin Zhao glued to Lu Wan's body.

She has become so ill, but Lin Zhao's mind is still on Lu Wan, how can this make her feel uncomfortable?

She thought that marrying Lin Zhao would be another starting point in her life, and she even thought that she would be able to stand on the top again, but in fact it was just the opposite.

Whether it was Lu Wan or Shi Zuizui, these two women took turns to torture her, even Lin Zhao's heart was stolen by Lu Wan, what should she do in the future, should she just drown like this?
Watching Shi Shi's car go away, Shi Zuizui had a sneer on his lips.

"What did you do to Shi Shi? I heard from her assistant that Shi Shi suspected that her hair had turned gray a lot and was hit hard, but I think her hair is fine, and it doesn't seem like something is wrong." Lu Wan thought, It should be that Shi Zuizui gave Shi Shi some psychological hint, which scared Shi Shi into a daze.

"I just added a little hair dye to the hair gel she uses. Under the smudged light, it looks a bit like white hair overnight. Coupled with my understanding of her, giving her a little psychological hint can scare her Sick, I didn't expect her to be so careless." Shi Zuizui smiled innocently.

Lu Wan smiled: "Your approach is not bad. In my opinion, it's not just like that, is it?"

"Last night I set up a scheduled text message before going to bed, and it was sent to her mobile phone at two o'clock in the morning, because she did a lot of bad things and had ghosts in her heart, and then she was so scared that she stayed up all night, which is why I can blackmail her The reason." Shi Zuizui said truthfully.

Otherwise, Yi Shi Shi's IQ would not be so hard to be deceived by her.

The premise of all this is because Shi Shi himself has done too many bad things, and Shi Shi is afraid of retribution.

"You are still the best. A great beauty like Shi Shi claims to be unparalleled in beauty. If you make her think that she is no longer young, it is tantamount to killing half of her life. No wonder she will collapse."

(End of this chapter)

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