Chapter 257 So You Are Song Lianhe's Daughter-in-law


The blush on Shen Xiaoxiao's face instantly spread to the base of her ears, and now she didn't even dare to think about what was lying down just now, she couldn't wait to leave, her body was already unstable, and she almost fell to the ground when she was in a hurry.

Zuo Mi sat on the bed and supported her without expression.

Shen Xiaoxiao half-bent, looked up at him, met his cold eyes, and called weakly: "Teacher."

"Be careful."

Neither cold nor cold, the tone was just right.

The distance between them didn't seem to have changed much from when she first came here.

Shen Xiaoxiao's eyes were a little sad, and she pulled out her hand without any trace: "Then I'm going to sleep."

In the morning, when Mu Wanyu saw the missed call and called Shen Xiaoxiao, she hadn't woken up yet, so she clicked casually, anyway, the phone didn't ring.

Mu Wanyu's voice came from next to my ear: "You called me last night? What's the matter?"

The caller showed that the call was still in the early morning, probably Gu Yichen was afraid that she would be woken up, so he hung up directly.

All I could hear was Shen Xiaoxiao's weak, vague voice saying: "Sleepwalking...sleepwalking...."

Before she could finish humming, Mu Wanyu had already hung up the phone.

She sat alone on the rock and watched the clear sea for a while, when a woman's voice came from behind: "Balloon, hold the balloon for me."

Mu Wanyu looked up, and sure enough, a bunch of balloons were floating towards her head. Mu Wanyu stretched out her hand and grabbed the rope easily.

The woman came over, fiddled with her sexy long hair casually, and took the rope from Mu Wanyu: "Thank you."

As she said that, she took a look at Mu Wanyu, and immediately stopped in her tracks: "You seem to look familiar."

Hearing this, Mu Wanyu turned her head and looked at the woman for a moment, she could only say that it is difficult for a noble lady to tell her age.

Judging by her attire and her well-maintained skin, she should be the same age as Song Liansheng, but she looks younger than Song Liansheng, and her waist-length wavy curls have an exotic beauty, very charming and charming, not just herself , even she felt that this woman looked familiar.

"Madam, do you know me?"

The woman looked back at her with a smile: "I'm not married."

"Feel sorry."

Mu Wanyu stared at her for a while, and really couldn't think of where she had seen her before, but the aura of a strong woman in her body seemed to remind her of something: "You are SUK's President Lin, right?"

Lin Yihua looked at her: "There are many people who are familiar with me, but I rarely see people who are familiar to me. Who are you?"

"I'm Mu Wanyu from ME Studio. We just cooperated last month, but because you had an appointment at that time, I communicated directly with your secretary."

Hearing this, Lin Yihua looked at her meaningfully for a moment, his eyes seemed a little different from before: "So you are Song Liansheng's daughter-in-law."

"You know my mother-in-law?" Mu Wanyu asked in surprise.

"Your mother-in-law and I are old friends." The woman sat beside her casually, and handed her the glass bottle of mineral water in her hand: "Drink?"

"Thank you, I brought my own water."

At this time, she let go of the rope holding the balloon in her hand, and the balloon quickly floated on the surface of the sea. The light blue sea looked extraordinarily fresh.

Mu Wanyu couldn't see that such a strong-willed woman still had such a childlike innocence, before she opened her mouth, she heard the voice behind her: "Boss Lin, I brought the camera."

At this time, the woman turned her attention to Mu Wanyu, and she blushed for a while and lowered her head.

(End of this chapter)

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