Chapter 1431 Xiaoai, Dabao, Xiaobei
Xia Dabao's hand was still clutching underneath.

That's right, I did ask him to call me sister some time ago, but wasn't that because of Zhou Xianzhi's relationship?

just now……

She doesn't know either.

"I'll talk to my parents later, and I'll take you to the capital for a while, they will definitely agree," Long Aixi said, and walked out of Xia Dabao's room after speaking.

Xia Dabao only felt that his heart was beating non-stop, and at the same time, he felt a strong sense of loss.


Long Aixi personally told Long San and Lu Jianxi about going to the capital, and only said that she wanted to take Xia Dabao to visit her uncle, and she would be back in about ten days.

After the establishment of the gang, the Dragon Tooth Gang still had some finishing touches. Naturally, Long San and Lu Jianxi were busy all the time, and they couldn't spare time to accompany Xia Dabao. Feeling ashamed in their hearts, they quickly agreed.

Although Long Aixi was young, he had already been to the capital several times, so Long San and the others had nothing to worry about.

Although it was only about ten days, Lu Jianxi gave Xia Dabao a few more clothes and jewelry, saying that all the girls in the capital are well-dressed, and let Xia Dabao also dress beautifully.Xia Dabao was naturally grateful.

So Xia Dabao boarded the boat in a daze.

The boat is also my own, except for a one-night rest in the whole county, the rest of the time is always on the boat.

Xia Dabao only felt that although he and Long Aixi had always been alone, the relationship could not return to the past.

When they went from Taohua Village to Fujun last time, the two lived and ate together, and they still lived in the same room at night. Their relationship with each other was really as good as that of siblings. If there is anything to say, but now Long Aixi obviously He deliberately kept a distance and etiquette, although he showed great care and love towards Xia Dabao, but he was quite distant in words and deeds.

Xia Dabao knew well that there must be a gap between the two of them, so he didn't say much.

Moreover, this time I went to see Tian Xiaobei, and I don't know how Tian Xiaobei is doing in the capital.


Capital, Tai Hospital.

As the bell rang, the students walked to the classroom one after another.

A young man in blue clothes was walking on the road with a textbook in his hand. After a while, two classmates surrounded him, one on the left and one on the right. Both of them were older than him.

In the Tai Hospital, the younger the student, the more talented the student is. It is a very rare thing to have been admitted to the Tai Hospital at a young age.

Therefore, Tian Xiaobei has always been the object of attention of the students of Taiyuan Hospital. When he first came, some classmates tried him. When they learned that he did not come in through the back door, everyone admired him very much. Very caring.

"Xiao Bei, we plan to go out for dinner after school today, do you want to go?" asked the student on the left.

"No," Tian Xiaobei replied, "I want to study the treatment of stroke after school. You forgot the class Dr. Wen gave us at the end of last month?"

The student on the right couldn't help saying: "Doctor Wen asked to hand over the plan before the end of this month, and there is still more than half a month left. Don't worry, let's combine work and rest."

Tian Xiaobei smiled: "It still doesn't work, the second quarter exam is coming soon, I dare not relax."

The student on the left could not help but pat Tian Xiaobei: "You, you have always been serious and eager to learn, forget it, you don't want to go."

The student on the right also said: "Then you study it carefully, and let us learn from it when the time comes."


(End of this chapter)

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