Chapter 1539

The patriarch seemed to be very guilty: "I don't know if the strange thing raised by the patriarch likes your blood too much. It is very manic every day and wants to taste your blood. The patriarch feels very sorry for this, so I specially Tell me to come over and say sorry to you, the bottle may be larger in the future, and, from once every seven days, to once every three days."

"Once every three days?" Xia Dabao was a little surprised, she didn't know how much blood she had on her body, was it enough to squander like this.

At this time, Elder Yun took out three medicines and handed them to Xia Dabao, still saying with a pleasant face: "Your brother has already taken the medicine for the first seven days, right? This is the medicine for the next three days. You really don't want to." Said, your brother's disease can only be cured here. In fact, it is not easy to practice this medicine. The whole family can practice dozens of pills a year. Now when your brother comes, we will give it to you at once. Thirty pills for him, if it wasn't for Miss Dabao's willingness to help us, the patriarch would not have given these medicines. You see, we have all made such a big sacrifice, and you too...should show something. Ah, right?"

Xia Dabao glanced at Ah Xiang.

As I said just now, even life can be given to him, let alone a little blood?

Besides, not to mention whether the patriarch cheated her, but there is no free lunch in this world, if you want something from someone else, you have to pay the price.

She looked at Elder Yun and said, "Elder Yun, you don't need to say so much, I understand, you guys smoke."

She extended a hand to Hongyan behind her.

Hongyan took the bottle up and looked at Xia Dabao again.

She especially understands how she wants to save her younger brother, just like she wants to save her younger sister.So she said to Xia Dabao: "Then you bear with it."


This time it was the other hand that was pierced. Because the bottle was too big, it took a long time to squeeze it to fill the bottle. Although Xia Dabao was in pain, he didn't say a word.

And Elder Yun was still coaxing Xia Dabao: "Look, how brave our Dabao girl is, she didn't say anything when she was in such pain, and she will definitely ask Mudanhua to cook a plate of pork liver for you later. It's not just pigs." Liver, you can eat anything else if you want, as long as you want to eat, there is nothing that these two flowers can't make."

Elder Yun spoke in a hypnotic manner, but Xia Dabao couldn't laugh.

After they left, Xia Dabao looked at the wound on her finger in a daze. They had already applied tea oil to her, which was said to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

After watching for a while, Xia Dabao turned around and looked at Yun Xiao who was standing at the door.

Only he did not go, but stood lazily.

Xia Dabao looked at him and asked: "Did you already know that my blood will only give more and more?"

Yun Xiao turned around lightly: "If you can't guess, you can only blame yourself for being stupid. You were not allowed to break in at the beginning, but you insisted on breaking in. It is a trivial matter to give some blood. It is not certain whether you can save your life."

Xia Dabao glanced at A Xiang, then smiled wryly: "But my brother is always there to save, as long as there is a chance of survival, we will not let it go."

Yun Xiao turned his head away in disdain.


He couldn't see it at all.


A dark and eerie basement.

Xia Dabao's blood was smeared on a piece of meat, and when the piece of meat was thrown in, the monster inside bit it very accurately.

It was swallowed almost without a moment's pause.

After swallowing it, the strange horn on its head grew a little longer. Because of the emergence of the strange horn, the monster became more and more excited, howling echoed in the basement, and even the locks on the iron cage were shaking.

Accompanied by these howls, was the patriarch's destructive laughter!


(End of this chapter)

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