Chapter 981 She Was Not Possessed By A Ghost

No, the original Nanfeng didn't have a soul at all, she was a fool.

She looked at herself again, this seemed to be the appearance of her previous life, with long arms and legs, and a plump body... No, it was still the appearance of her previous life one second ago, but the next second it became the current Nanfeng.

She kept telling herself in her heart: I am Nanfeng, the Nanfeng of Daping Village, the Nanfeng of the previous life has gone, I am Nan Gongye's wife, no one can drive me away, I want to go back, I must go back!
Nanfeng desperately flew towards the person tied to the pillar, but she couldn't move, and she was still drifting farther and farther...

no, do not want!

She can't go.

In her previous life, her body might have been soaked in seawater long ago. It is impossible for her to return to her previous life. If she does so, she may only end up dead.

Where's Brother Ye?
Brother Ye, save me quickly!

At this moment, Nanfeng heard a "squeak" from outside the room!

And when she woke up again, she became Nan Feng who was tied to the pillar again, but she couldn't open her eyes no matter what.

"Mage, what's the matter? Can you get rid of the ghost in her body?" A female voice asked.

Nanfeng remembered this voice, it was the Queen Mother!

Is it her?

That being said, now that some people are beginning to doubt her origin, it must be Tuoba Lie who said it.No, it's impossible for Tuoba Lie to say that. If he did, her soul would be drawn out. Does he want a fool?

That is, Tuoba Lie said that Nanfeng was no longer the Nanfeng of the past, and the Queen Mother refused to let her go, and wanted to recruit her soul.

"Reporting to the Queen Mother, this matter is very difficult. It was about to succeed, but for some reason, the soul in her body is unwilling to leave. It seems to have a strong obsession. Still, what is attached to her body is not an ordinary soul, but yes……"

"But what?" asked the Queen Mother sternly.

"It's not the three souls and seven souls, it seems to be a kind of consciousness, a form, I think, it's an idea, and it doesn't come from our world, I think..." The mage of Qin Tianjian paused: "If it is not Ghosts, they are gods, you can't offend them, empress dowager."

"Nonsense, if you can't get it out, then I'll kill her with one knife, and I'll see if the things in her body come out!"

"Empress Dowager, you must not do it. If you kill her, you will be punished by the gods. Moreover, this woman's horoscope has changed. Her fate..."


"The fate is very chaotic, it seems that the life is not long, and it seems that it can continue forever. The ruler of this woman is the six signs in the sky. Unlike other stars, the six signs will be rearranged every other six months. The six signs are It can last for thousands of years."

"Master, you won't tell me that she can live another 1000 years?" the Queen Mother asked.

The mage pinched his fingers: "Empress Dowager, this is very difficult to say, and this is the first time I have encountered such a situation."

"Forget it, come!" The Empress Dowager ordered those who came in behind: "Untie this woman for me, and then secretly transport it out of the palace and hand it over to Dashun. The emperor is reluctant, and I will make the decision for him!"

Nanfeng wanted to open his eyes, but he never succeeded. He just felt that he was untied from the pillar and put into a box.

However, before the box moved, a loud noise was heard suddenly, as if someone broke in, and then the queen mother was heard angrily scolding: "Nan Gongye, you are presumptuous!"

Nanfeng lost consciousness again.


(End of this chapter)

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