The Evil King and the Mad Concubine

Chapter 100 Put up a middle finger

Chapter 100 Put up a middle finger

"Who are you saying is sick!" The woman looked at Qu Yan fiercely with her face full of flesh, and when she saw that Qu Yan was a little beauty, the anger in her heart doubled.

Qu Yan didn't know how strong this woman was, because she didn't have aura at the moment, and her fingers weren't bright, but looking at this big guy, she shouldn't be weaker than her.

"I asked if you could be a little more polite. I didn't know there were people in there. Brother He didn't tell me that someone lived with me. I apologized too. What do you want!" Don't think she has a good face.

"It's reasonable for you to disturb other people's cultivation!" The big man stared at Qu Yan with eyes like copper bells, "If an apology is useful, then is there a strong one? I can accept your apology, but you have to give me the Qingxin Dan tomorrow morning." I!"

Qu Yan was stunned, but then remembered that Helian Qiongtian and Xiao Heng had said that there were a lot of fights in the Zongheng College. For resources and so on, no one would sell the other's account, and the weak could only be bullied. To the fullest.

"Qingxin Pill?" Qu Yan narrowed her eyes.

"That's right, it's settled like that. Also, don't make any noise at night!" The fierce woman closed the door with a cold snort after she finished speaking.

Qu Yan pointed her middle finger directly at her back from behind. She didn't know the strength of this woman. If she was lower than her, see if she didn't kill her.

Pushing open another door, the inside is very simple, but fortunately, it is also very clean. Qu Yan put down her cloth bag, and then saw several sets of clothes folded on the chair beside her. When she walked over to pick it up, they were all gray and white. Pack.That's why the big woman named Liang Mei was wearing this kind of clothes just now, it seems to be the school uniform here.

On the first day when she came to the new place, Qu Yan had no sleep all night, so she simply practiced all night, but she felt that breaking through to the peak of the spiritual realm seemed to be difficult, but now she can use the silver needle to pour the little golden ball on her chest with spiritual energy many times, every time There is also feedback that a little bit of golden light enters her blood, but the effect is small. In fact, it is because her strength becomes stronger and she needs more spiritual energy, so there is nothing wrong with the slowdown. If she advances every day, she will immediately become the world's best Strong?

Obviously this is impossible, but she believes that her little golden ball has a great advantage, otherwise she would not be able to reach the peak level of entering the spirit realm all at once, but because of the greater demand, the effect will be small. Otherwise, the effect of the golden ball must still be very huge.

After a night of practice, the little golden ball radiated a little bit of golden light many times and merged into the body, and the aura also increased and strengthened, but it was still unsuccessful to break through the hard shell-like boundary in the dantian and rise to another height.

In the past, there was almost no such obstacle in the small level of the spiritual level, because the transition boundary of each small level was not so thick, but now it is a breakthrough of the big realm, so the boundary is much thicker, and it is more difficult to break through.

Qu Yan knows that to break through this thick boundary, that is, the barrier, she needs to have a strong aura to reach a certain level before she can break through that threshold. Although her aura is full now, it is not so full that it can overflow. It's just that the barrier is slowly thinned, and when it is mature, it will break through in one fell swoop and enter the soldier spirit realm.

Qu Yan was in a happy mood, as if she had understood a field she didn't understand at all, and she also knew more about the direction of her cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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