Chapter 1053
Qu Yan nodded and said: "Well, anyway, I can't kill her, but the sixth elder, you really have no way to teach, but it's not too late to find the problem now, but how to teach it next is a difficult problem, Xiao Yue His personality has been distorted, and if he is not well educated, he may go nowhere in the future, and even Jin Rimen will hate him, so the Six Protectors still need to spend some time on educating them carefully."

Qu Yan's words made everyone stunned. It was a bit funny for a little girl to educate an old man with such a correct accent, but after thinking about it carefully, everyone felt that Qu Yan's words were not bad.

"My scar can be removed, so I don't care about it. If it can't be removed, Xiao Yue's punishment will not be limited to these, so I hope Xiao Yue will not make mistakes again, because not every mistake can be solved with an apology Yes, it may bring disaster to the sect." Qu Yan said again seriously.

"Young girl is right. The most important thing in a sect is the heart of the apprentice. No matter how good the talent is, if the mind is not right, it will be difficult to become a master in the future, and it will only cause trouble. When we are old, we always Doting on the juniors and fearing that they will suffer hardships, so many geniuses have no spirit to endure hardships, and their strength is stuck, which is really a very serious problem." The second grandfather felt the same way.

"If a sect is to be strong, one is strict requirements for its disciples, and the other is competition, natural selection, survival of the fittest, as the saying goes, heroes come out of troubled times. Under a peaceful condition, generally no strong will be born, so there is no competition for the strong Competitiveness is not necessarily a good thing, but doting on one's strength has already distorted the character of the strong, and one must not become a strong one." Qu Yan said a very cruel theory of reality word by word.

Old man Yao and Aunt Bao both nodded. They are of the older generation. They were tired and suffered a lot when they were young, so they dote on the current disciples more, but this will only harm them. , causing the entire sect to be unable to become stronger.

"Girl, it must be very hard to live in a big family, right?" The second grandpa suddenly asked, with a look of pity in his eyes, he felt that Qu Yan could say such a truth, he must have experienced many such cruel things, Otherwise, how could such a young man have such comprehension ability?

Qu Yan smiled and said: "The second grandfather is right. Everyone thinks that the big family is great and powerful, but only the disciples who live in it know that if you don't work hard, you will only be stepped on by others, let alone There will be good resources, so the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker, this is the cruelest thing, and whether you want to be strong or weak is up to you to decide."

Everyone nodded, Fan Xi looked at Qu Yan's complexion, and quickly said: "Yan'er, don't talk about it, take a rest, you have no blood." As he spoke, his face was full of distress.

Qu Yan nodded and said, "I'm really tired, so let me sleep for a while."

Everyone nodded, and Liu Hufa thanked him again and left in a hurry. Qu Yan's words made him realize that as a master, he treats several apprentices too much, causing them to bully everywhere as if they had eyes on their foreheads. For the other disciples, he also felt that his apprentice was promising and prestige before, but when Xiao Yue's incident happened, he realized that his mistakes were even more outrageous, so he was eager to correct them.

(End of this chapter)

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