Chapter 112

After a while, Qu Yan, He Shaoqing, and Gu Fen walked out of the back door of the main hall, and saw that the disciples below had dispersed, each with their own destinations, and only the most obvious big guy, Liang Mei, stood in the middle of the mountain path and looked up. When he came out, he immediately waved to her happily, as if he saw a good friend.

"Junior Sister, you go back and take the Qingxin Pill to practice, and I will go to you during dinner." He Shaoqing said to Qu Yan.

"Ah! What about lunch?" Qu Yan felt that she hadn't eaten breakfast and was hungry.

A smile appeared on Gu Fen's delicate face, "Junior Sister, after taking Qingxin Pill, you won't be hungry all day long."

"Wow, there's still something like this? Doesn't it mean that you don't have to eat for a few days if you eat a few more?" Qu Yan's eyes widened, as if he had discovered a new land.

"In theory, this is the case, but everyone has a desire for appetite. Although they don't feel hungry, they still want to eat something when they smell the smell, so the college will provide dinner, which is included in the tuition." Gu Fen explained.

Qu Yan nodded understandingly. What He Shaoqing said earlier made the cravings come out of her stomach even with the barbecue. This appetite must be satisfied. There is a saying that people depend on food, and Qu Yan deeply believes it.

"Okay, then I will practice when I go back. Although Mr. Liao was a little sleepy listening to the morning class, he still has some insights. Hehe, Senior Brother Gu, see you Junior Brother He tonight." Qu Yan waved enthusiastically to the two of them after finishing speaking. I'm leaving.

"Senior Brother He! I'm Senior Brother He! You entered the academy later than me, and I'm so mad." He Shaoqing jumped in anger behind him, but it seemed that this title could not be changed at all, which made the corners of Gu Fen's mouth twitch with laughter.

Qu Yan walked up to Liang Mei, and saw Liang Mei handing a Qingxin Pill to Qu Yan with a flattering face, saying, "Junior Sister, this is a gift from me to Junior Sister, from now on we should care about each other when we live together. Help each other."

"Oh? Really? Why didn't I feel mutual care and mutual help last night?" Qu Yan took Liang Mei's Qingxin Pill very rudely. She already knew a little about this academy. You can bully people anytime and anywhere, being a good person may not necessarily end well, self-interest is always right.

And with someone like Liang Mei who had such a bad attitude last night, she knew that she bullied people a lot, and if she didn't take advantage of herself, she would be a bastard.

"Hey, Junior Sister, isn't this a misunderstanding? Senior Sister is wrong, why don't I accompany you? I hope there are a lot of Junior Junior Sisters. Forgive Senior Sister." Liang Mei is really shameless to the point of no limit. It seems that we have something in common with her. After all, in the face of an enemy stronger than oneself, the end of being too stubborn is always miserable.

"Okay, this pure heart pill will even out what happened last night. I have nothing else to do. I have to go to practice." Qu Yan didn't want to talk to her, so she walked straight away, leaving Liang Mei alone. With a bitter face, Qingxin Wan felt sorry for her, and then her eyes lit up, looking at the stone houses down the mountain, her own is gone, so she can grab the weak ones.

Thinking of this, her mood suddenly improved, and then she watched Qu Yan turn the corner, and immediately rushed down the mountain, fearing that if it was too late, other people's pills would also be eaten.

Qu Yan returned to her room, and after taking a Qingxin Pill, she began to practice. First, she sorted out her aura, and then she began to test the little golden ball again. After all, the more familiar with the little golden ball, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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