Chapter 1269 Kuixiang's condition

Kui Xiang looked at Yu Yao, then at the two elder brothers, pouted a little reluctantly, but finally looked at Qu Yan's smiling face, finally nodded, and then took the big man Kuixing by the hand and said, "Brother sleeps with Xiang'er Go."

"Okay, okay, Xiang'er is tired too! Let's play tomorrow." The big man Kuixing didn't look like Ma Daha at this time, he nodded and dragged Kuixiang into the inner room to sleep.

The three of Qu Yan walked into the courtyard, Yu Yao and Kui Wang asked her about Kui Xiang's illness together, Qu Yan could only smile and said: "Don't worry, I can't talk nonsense before I have seen it formally."

"Brother Kui Wang, don't worry, Yan'er's medical skills are absolutely the best in the world." Yu Yao said to Kui Wang.

Qu Yan hurriedly said: "Yu Yao, are you bragging like that? If you don't like it, how can you tell me to see Brother Kui Wang?" Qu Yan gave Yu Yao an angry look.

Kui Wang smiled and said: "Miss Yan'er, don't worry, we have been disappointed for a long time. If it can be cured, it will be a great thing. If it can't be cured, we will do nothing. Don't worry about it. Heart, I can't thank you enough."

"Brother Kui Wang, don't worry, I will try my best." Qu Yan thought that she should be able to cure it, as long as she can see the disease in her body, she can find a way to heal it. Treasures of heaven and earth.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the big man Kuixing came out on tiptoe. It was really funny to see such a big man making such cautious movements, but Qu Yan felt warm in his heart. This big guy is definitely a loving brother, loving brother. My sister's warm man.

"Kuixing, is my sister asleep?" Kui Wang hurriedly asked.

Kuixing nodded and said, "Well, auntie, go in and have a look." Then he looked at Qu Yan expectantly.

"Okay." Qu Yan entered, and the three big men followed nervously, all of them cautiously, for fear of waking up Kuixing.

Qu Yan took out the silver needle, and now that Kuixiang's breathing became a little heavier after she had been pierced in her neck for a while.

"Now she won't wake up for the time being." Qu Yan said, everyone can talk with peace of mind.

"Grandma, you must cure my sister!" Kuixing looked at Qu Yan's row of silver needles, and said anxiously.

"Kuixing, don't rush, Miss Yan'er will do her best, let's go out and wait." Kuiwang said.

"No, I want to watch here." Kuixing shook his head hastily.

Qu Yan looked up at them and said, "It's okay, just don't make any noise, I'll check on her condition first." While speaking, Qu Yan had already started using silver needles to close her eyes, and Qu Yan immediately appeared in Qu Yan's mind. Screenshot of Xiang's internal situation.

It's just that Qu Yan frowned slightly, Kui Xiang's internal organs are all normal, and there is no illness or injury at all, how could he be a fool?In the end, Qu Yan began to check Kuixiang's head, but at this sight, her complexion changed drastically, and she couldn't help screaming.

"Yan'er, what's going on?" Yu Yao had never seen Qu Yan's expression of shock when seeing a doctor, and immediately asked worriedly.

The two Kui Wang brothers were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They didn't know what Qu Yan saw. They were so serious and frightened.

Qu Yan didn't speak, but her face became more dignified, and her small face was also pulled down. Finally, amidst the eagerness and tension of the three of them, she looked up at Kui Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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