Chapter 1274
Kui Wang was also taken aback, and when he came in and saw Emperor Yan in red, he instinctively took a step back, bumping into Yu Yao who came in.

"Why did this guy come out?" Yu Yao was taken aback when he saw Emperor Yan, couldn't he come out?And he seems to have changed.

"Brother Kui Wang, younger brother Kuixing, don't be nervous, he is my friend and just arrived." Qu Yan explained, "Because I am in trouble saving Sister Kui Xiang, he is here to help me."

"Then, how did he come in? We are clearly at the door, the window? Impossible? There should be some movement, right?" The big man Kuixing is not stupid at all now.

Kui Wang narrowed his eyes and said: "Brother, he is a fairyland, transformed into a strange beast."

"What!" Kuixing immediately yelled, and took a step back in fright. In fact, Emperor Yan did not emit a powerful aura of the fairyland, but Kui Wang had already thought that only this possibility could allow Emperor Yan to appear inside without anyone noticing.But what he doesn't know is that he still guessed wrong, it's just that he guessed right in Immortal Realm.

"His name is Yan Zun, and he is indeed a beast in form, but he is our good friend." Qu Yan introduced Emperor Yan, fearing that the word Yan Emperor would be recognized, and felt that younger brother Yan no longer fits Emperor Yan's current temperament, so It's better to call him Yan Zun, and Emperor Yan himself likes the new name Qu Yan gave him very much.

"Yes, I will be Yan Zun from today." Emperor Yan smiled slightly, "The girl is not awake yet, but nothing will happen."

As soon as Kuixiang was mentioned, the two brothers of the Kui family immediately returned to their senses, and they all went to the bedside to look at Kuixiang. Kuixiang was sleeping soundly, and seemed to be very relaxed at the moment, with the corners of his mouth curled up, as if he had a sweet dream.

"You can wake her up," Qu Yan said.

"Don't, let my sister sleep well. I used to see her frowning when she slept. Now she should have a good dream again. Let her sleep. I will watch her!" Kuixing said, "But my aunt, my sister's illness Are you ready? Are you not stupid?"

Qu Yan smiled and said: "It should be all right, but I can't guarantee it before I wake up. She will know when she thinks about it. By the way, have you noticed that her strength has improved in her sleep?"

Quyan's mental strength is sharp, and she actually found that the immortal energy in Kuixiang's body is constantly circulating, and her strength has grown from the peak of the Fairyland, and it seems that she should have returned to normal, which made her relieved, although now she She has the element of life and has the ability to bring the dead back to life, but if she is still a fool, she will still feel very uncomfortable.

"Really, brother and sister must be fine, that's great, the geniuses of our Kui family are not stupid anymore!" The big man Kuixing was extremely excited.

Kui Wang's eyes were wet, he nodded immediately, then looked at Qu Yan and clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Miss Yan'er and Master Yan Zun."

"You are welcome, you are sincere to me, we are a family." Qu Yan said with a smile, "Let's go out, let Kuixiang sleep well, maybe when I wake up, I will return to the intermediate level of Saint Wonderland."

A group of people filed out, Yu Yao walked at the end, followed Yandi, and asked in a low voice, finally understood that Yandi was kicked out by the emperor's treasure, and couldn't help laughing, it turned out that this stinky guy was also kicked out one day.

Outside, Jun Mohua and the others saw Qu Yan coming out and Emperor Yan, and they all asked, but Qu Yan could only explain, and only Emperor Yan walked directly in front of Uncle Heizhao.

(End of this chapter)

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