Chapter 1299
The entire Taiyuan Street suddenly became crazy. Taiyuan Street was originally full of shops, and there were many pedestrians. Almost everyone can smell it. Of course, it is indispensable for everyone to deliberately fan the air to spread the smell of meat.

Then I saw that everyone was talking about it, everyone wanted to eat such a delicious food, so they all crowded towards Kui's house on both sides.

"No more!" Yu Yao yelled, his plate of diced meat had already been robbed, and everyone was still hugging, so he could only yell.

"I don't have any anymore. I don't have any anymore. You can buy them over there. It's half price for the first three days. If you eat well, help spread the word that this is Quyan Barbecue Restaurant. Thank you!" Gao Ying also yelled, and everyone followed suit. advertising.

It's just that things often don't go as expected, because the barbecue is so delicious, everyone rushes towards Quyan's barbecue shop like lunatics, and then those who bought them ran away laughing, and those who didn't buy started arguing. Grab and fight.

All of a sudden, the road in front of Kui's house was blocked by people, and even the avenue where the strange beasts came and went was soon occupied by people, and in the end, people died. Some ordinary people were beaten to death by practitioners, because Practitioners want to grab a piece of barbecue.

Qu Yan and the others didn't expect it to be so hot on the first day, and they didn't expect to beat people to death for robbing meat. Although all the barbecues of the four strange beasts were sold out, Qu Yan couldn't be happy here.

Because the dragon guard team soon arrived at Kui's house, and then drove away all the people. Under the pressure of the strong, no one dared to resist. The captain of the dragon guard team, the captain of Longhan, the peak of the Holy Immortal Realm, confronted the Kuiwang group fiercely.

"Kui Wang, do you have a report for opening a barbecue restaurant!" Captain Long Han asked Kui Wang directly.

Kui Wang suddenly smiled wryly, they had never opened a store before, so naturally they didn't know that there was something to report, and they just opened in front of their own house.

"Don't you know that the shops on the entire Taiyuan Street must be reported before they can open? And you have to pay a yellow dragon coin to the moat team every month, otherwise who will maintain the order, you look, because your shop , someone died today, who will bear the responsibility!" Long Han stared at Kui Wang fiercely.

Kuixing and Aunt Wang were very anxious, but the others were frowning. After all, they really didn't know about this kind of thing, and they didn't expect it to become so serious, but this time it was indeed their fault.

"It's our fault that we didn't report it, but it shouldn't have anything to do with us when practitioners beat people to death because of barbecue, right?" Yu Yao said first, after all, he had handled housework in Yu's house for a while.

"That's right, we only sell barbecue, and we didn't ask them to grab it." Kuixing also said.

"Hmph! Sophistry, if you report, our city guard team will come here as soon as possible. After all, there will be more people when opening a new store. With us, no one will be killed!" Captain Long Han was angry again road.

"We did make a mistake. May I ask Captain Long, how should we make up for this mistake?" Qu Yan thought for a while, and it is better to have one more thing than one thing less, after all, they also made mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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