Chapter 1424 I don't feel very good
Qu Yan hurriedly said: "That's not enough. Shangshen is an existence beyond the peak of the fairyland. If you get angry, there will be no ashes. What's more, the situation here is tense. Your lord, you should bear it first."

Helian Qiongtian was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "Well, I will know sooner or later, the Ice Race Continent is my father's concern, and this king will go there sooner or later."

Qu Yan understood his mood, and immediately changed the subject, telling him to practice quickly at this time, because the hailstorm really didn't know how long it would last, it's been almost a day, and it hasn't stopped yet.

Helian Qiongtian returned to practice in the emperor's treasure, and he had a vague premonition in his heart, which was rare for him, so he paid more attention to this premonition, but he didn't know what the situation was. Under the circumstances, only by improving his strength can he be able to cope with various accidents.

Three days later, Helian Qiongtian lived up to Qu Yan's high expectations, and really broke through to the peak of the Immortal Realm, and Qu Yan was delighted, and immediately retreated for a day, and also broke through to the peak of the Immortal Realm. The two of them did not see each other for four days. Naturally, they couldn't help but love each other for a while, and the two discovered that after reaching the peak of the fairyland, their strength had undergone a qualitative change.

Even the dragon skills can have space defense and attack, and the strength has greatly increased. I can also open up various spaces. Qu Yan has a lot of fun playing all of a sudden. From one side of the yard to the other, there are all open spaces The door came in and out, and her door was different from others, with various colors in rotation, which made Helian Qiongtian very speechless, feeling that Qu Yan was still a little girl, which naturally made him love her more.

After the two advanced, everyone came to congratulate them, and the Dragon Clan was greatly relieved. Their Dragon Emperor and Dragon Queen had already reached the highest level, so they would not be afraid of any alien beast clan uniting with Lord Mingjun.

Emperor Yan and Uncle Heizhao also appeared, both of them had entered the high level of Immortal Realm, which made Emperor Yan a little dissatisfied. Uncle Heizhao was expressionless, standing next to Emperor Yan in red, with a cold and paralyzed face. The handsome and evil face is really harmonious, and for a person like Qu Yan, it is simply pleasing to the eye.

"Now we are full of confidence, this hailstorm really saved us." Qu Yan said happily, the strength of Emperor Yan and Uncle Heizhao is enough to compete with the peak of the Immortal Realm.

Helian Qiongtian was not optimistic at all and said: "Is there nothing happening outside these few days? Is there any news from Wanlong Senhai?"

"The Alien Beast Clan didn't make much changes, they just rectified their own race, but they couldn't find Lord Mingjun." The elder of the Dragon Clan replied.

Helian Qiongtian's handsome face was gloomy, and Qu Yan said uneasy: "My lord, what's the matter, do you think there's something wrong?"

"I don't feel very good. Normally I don't feel this way. You still have to be careful, and send two elders to find out where Lord Mingjun is." Helian Qiongtian ordered.

The elders of the Dragon Clan immediately took orders to leave, but when Qu Yan and his group had finished their barbecue and were full of food and drink, the Fourth Elder suddenly tore through the space and broke in, covered in blood, which made Aunt Wang yell out in fright.

"Fourth Elder!" Helian Qiongtian hurried over, Uncle Hua immediately used the wood element to heal his wounds, and Qu Yan shot into the raw element, all of a sudden, people turned their backs and became a mess.

The fourth elder has already rolled his eyes, his mouth and nose are taking in more air than exhaling, and it seems to be dying.

(End of this chapter)

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