Chapter 1426 Is Fatty Crazy?

"Nothing is impossible. You and I can both walk behind the Dragon Emperor Dragon. It's normal for him to have adventures, but his strength is also at the peak of the Immortal Realm. He doesn't have a treasure like ours. How did he do it? Know how to form?" Helian Qiongtian couldn't figure it out, and Qu Yan couldn't figure it out either, but both of them felt that things had become very difficult.

"By the way, that Lord Feng's formation is very powerful, Dragon Emperor, you have to be careful!" The fourth elder was worried, thinking of the death of the fifth elder, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"How did such a powerful formation come about?" Emperor Yan was surprised. Even if ordinary people know formations, they are rarely as strong as a prince. Formation, so being able to understand formation depends on talent, not everyone can learn it.

"If Master Mingjun and Fengxianjun join forces, it will indeed be a big trouble, and Fengxianjun is very cruel and extreme, and the things he has done are outrageous." Qu Yan frowned.

"Who is this person?" the Fourth Elder asked in confusion.

"This king's mother-killing enemy." Helian Qiongtian's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty light. He really hated Fengxian Jun. If he hadn't looked at his father's face before, he would not have left such a big one behind. Aftermath, but it's all over.

Qu Yan gritted her teeth with hatred for Feng Xianjun. Her grandfather Qu Gu was killed by Feng Xianjun. If she hadn't been rescued, she would have been tortured mad by hatred, and that poor Hong Meili , being used as a cauldron for cultivation by his own biological father, is really perverted to the extreme.

"This person is indeed a lunatic. Now that he has reached this level of strength, if he doesn't get rid of it, the consequences will be unimaginable." Emperor Yan nodded. He also looked at Feng Xianjun all the way. That guy is definitely a beast.

"My lord, you are the only one to deal with Feng Xianjun. I think he should be more difficult to deal with than Lord Mingjun. We don't understand formations except you. I will deal with Lord Mingjun. Although he I have the treasured lotus, and I also have the heaven and earth lamp, so I should be able to fight." Qu Yan thought to himself, "The other strong beasts will be dealt with by Emperor Yan and Uncle Heizhao, as well as the elders of the dragon clan."

"Girl, you think too well. My fifth brother is really powerful. At the beginning, the second brother was no match for him, so it was even more impossible for you. It's not that the old man looked down on you. He alone can withstand the four pinnacles of the fairyland without losing. "The old man Tianxing immediately shattered Qu Yan's sweet dream.

Qu Yan's face turned pale. From this point of view, his side is bound to lose. Emperor Yan frowned suddenly and said, "If Yan'er's heaven and earth lamp can gather seven elements, then he will be able to fight Lord Yanchi."

"Collection?" Qu Yan immediately smiled wryly, "I'm short of gold element and wood element, where can I find these two top-level elements?"

Everyone frowned and came up with ideas one after another, what kind of treasure, what kind of wood element, but Emperor Yan and Uncle Heizhao shook their heads, they were not top-level elements, and Tiandizhan didn't like them at all.

Fatty said suddenly: "Gold elements are top-notch."

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look at him, waiting for his answer, and Pang Pang said: "It is the material of the empress treasure, which is the top-level gold element. As long as the master refines the empress treasure, the heaven and earth lamp can absorb the top gold element." It's gone." Said Pangpang with a very sad expression.

"Fatty!" The little fat girl suddenly exclaimed, "You are crazy, the empress treasure is gone, so are you."

(End of this chapter)

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