Chapter 342

Chapter 348
Qu Yan didn't know what was wrong with her, she only knew that when she woke up, her head was so painful that it was about to explode, and when she raised her head, she saw a golden light glowing from her chest, which reminded her that she might The whereabouts will be revealed, and he sat up in fright.

Immediately, everything came to mind, her mouth opened wide, her eyes widened, did she die?When she rushed towards the green light of the big monster, she only thought that she could help Yu Yao at least pawn some of his attack power, then Yu Yao still had the ability to escape, why was she here?
Didn't die?She remembered that after she plunged into the green light, the green light suddenly became stronger, and then she lost consciousness due to severe head pain.

It turned out to be here?where is thisI really died?

Impossible, I still have a headache after death, she turned her head and saw two faint green rays of light over there.

"Big monster!" Qu Yan screamed, and instinctively took a few steps back, she was too familiar with this green light.

"Little girl, don't be afraid." Something beyond Qu Yan's knowledge happened, the big monster actually spoke, what's more terrible is that the voice of the big monster was a female voice, and it was very nice.

Qu Yan was dumbfounded, and then she reached out to cover her chest, but the golden light on her chest was no longer revealed.

"You, who are you?" Qu Yan was not timid, and quickly accepted the facts.

"I am a dragon and phoenix fairy, a princess of the Dragon Clan, but that happened tens of thousands of years ago, and now I am just a big monster." The woman's voice was a bit desolate.

Qu Yan was stunned, and then said in horror: "You, you are the princess of the Dragon Clan ten thousand years ago?" In her heart, countless grass mud horses were fighting. What the hell is this, and this kind of legendary story can make her encounter it?
"That's right, I want to ask, where did you get the black dragon scales on your chest?" The big monster's voice was very gentle, which made Qu Yan's fear less.

It was only then that Qu Yan realized that it was because the black dragon scale that she took out to save her life had saved her, but now it was no longer on her chest, and it seemed that it was taken away by a big monster.

"Here, this was given to me by a senior. He said it was the dragon scale of a black dragon at the peak of the Emperor Spirit Realm. It can protect me. It seems true." Qu Yan sneered.

"So that's it, then do you know if the black dragon is dead?"

"No, but it seems to be seriously injured, and it hasn't fully recovered after ten thousand years of recovery. I don't know who the black dragon is the princess?" Qu Yan asked quickly, which is very relevant.

If the dragon princess and the black dragon are enemies, then he may be safe, but if he is a friend, he may be in danger, and knowing what Yu Yao's father did to the black dragon, this guy doesn't know if he will go directly out of the cliff to find the black dragon, To avenge the black dragon.

The big monster seemed to be silent. After blinking a few times, the two big green lantern-like lights suddenly sighed: "That's my husband."

"What!" Qu Yan exclaimed in shock, never expecting that the black dragon is actually the son-in-law of the dragon princess.

The big monster was silent for a long time and said: "Is it under the cliff and abyss?"

"So the princess knows!" Qu Yan kept beating her heart.

"It was Bengong who beat it down, but I didn't expect it to be alive." The princess suddenly smiled wryly, and the voice was really indescribable.

(End of this chapter)

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