Chapter 355 Wang Lingjing Primary Level

Sure enough, as he expected, once the robe was put on him, it directly merged with the brocade suit he was wearing, and his bare hands seemed to be covered by a film, but that feeling disappeared soon , it seems that this film has already merged into his skin.

Helian Qiongtian was curious, he squeezed his hands back and forth, but found that he couldn't get it off, which was a bit cheating, and then he started to exercise, but immediately found that his left middle finger didn't emit light when he moved. It took him by surprise, what does it mean?Means his strength can be hidden?

Before, he envied Yu Yao for having gloves that concealed his strength, and Qu Yan for having a hidden spirit ring that concealed his strength, but now he actually has a dress that conceals his strength?

Helian Qiongtian realized that the robe was a treasure of cultivation, and he quickly unfolded his spiritual power. Sure enough, as soon as the spiritual power entered, the robe fell off automatically, and a thin layer fell directly to the ground.

He picked it up and put it on again, still hidden without a trace. He took out a sword and scratched at the back of his hand, only to find that he felt a scratch, but there was no pain or blood flow out at all, that is to say, The film coat also has a defensive effect.

However, he didn't know how much power he could defend against, so he slashed hard again, and the result was still no harm, which made him happy. The defense power of this thin film robe should not be too bad, anyway, it was left by the old man Tiancan Treasures, but how powerful is the old silkworm?It has already surpassed his cognition.

He directly put on the robe again, controlled it with mental power for a long time, and felt that he could use it freely, Helian Qiongtian curled his mouth and left the palace, there was nothing for him to leave behind.

Walking out of the Crystal Palace, he looked around again, and then walked towards the water curtain door he had walked in before, because he didn't know how difficult it would be to go up if the Crystal Palace was breached?In addition, he still wanted to find Qu Yan, and also really wanted to clean up the big lizard, so it was best to go back the same way, after all, he had already known the original way.

At this moment, Helian Qiongtian is completely incomparable with the previous Helian Qiongtian, and his strength has already leapfrogged by a large level. From the elementary level of the General Spirit Realm to the elementary level of the Wang Lingjing Realm, that is what tens of thousands of cultivators have spent their entire lives in. An insurmountable gap, and he is only 25 years old now, four years younger than Yu Yao.

Unlocking the mental power, he precisely found the passage from the dazzling crystal wall, flew all the way, and soon found the water curtain door that came in.

Before leaving, Helian Qiongtian looked back at the crystal palace that existed like a dream behind him, and sighed in his heart. He never thought that he would encounter such a great opportunity.

Speaking of which, he really wanted to thank Qu Yan, if he hadn't had the determination to find her, he wouldn't have come down, and he wouldn't have been chased to nowhere by the big lizard. Everything is like a coincidence, but it is so magical.

Walking out of the water curtain door, it was dark in front of my eyes. I turned my head and saw that the water curtain door still exists, which means that the crystal palace probably won't disappear in a short time, but even if someone enters, it will lose any value. s things.

Walking all the way out of the black hole, Helian Qiongtian felt that he was full of strength, and a strong feeling overflowed from his heart, and he quickened his pace.

(End of this chapter)

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