Chapter 386 It's Difficult To Change Your Strengths

Seeing Qu Yan looking at him seriously, Yu Mojun suddenly had black lines all over his head, and his heart was broken.

Qu Yan blinked her eyes, looked at Yu Mojun seriously, and eagerly waited for his answer.

Yu Mojun sighed and said: "Women here are low in status and dare not disobey men. Even female cultivators are submissive before they are not stronger than men. How can you not be afraid of death like you?"

"Uh, it's really bad not to be afraid of death?" Qu Yan frowned suddenly.

"Bold and careful, smart, persistent, sometimes a little silly, you are beautiful and cute, these are enough for those two boys to like you." After finishing speaking, Yu Mojun took a sip of tea.

Qu Yan blinked again, and said in distress: "So I have so many advantages, but it's a bit difficult to change these advantages!"

Yu Mojun directly 'poofed', spewed out a mouthful of tea, and directly sprayed Qu Yan on the opposite side with water.

"Wow, uncle, you can't do it, it's too unhygienic!" Qu Yan jumped up immediately.

Yu Mojun said embarrassingly: "Girl, it's not you, what are you talking about, you, you can't blame uncle, uncle has something to do, go out first." After speaking, the figure disappeared, he was completely defeated by Qu Yan.

Qu Yan widened her eyes and said anxiously: "Hey, hey, uncle, remember to make alchemy!"

Yu Mojun, who was already outside, almost fell down. Look, this girl will never forget her persistence. After being sprayed in the face, she can still calmly ask him to refine the Bisheng Pill, he obeys.

After tidying up, Qu Yan left the dean's luxurious compound, returned to the Jade Rabbit House in the middle of the mountain, and went to bed directly. This sleep lasted for a day and a night. If Yu Mojun hadn't felt her even breathing, he would have thought that the girl was sick It's over.

The first thing Qu Yan did after waking up was to go to the dining room to have a big meal, and cooked a big pot of exotic animal meat by herself. Xiao Miao, who hadn't seen her for a long time, also came out to eat meat, and chatted with a group of familiar disciples.

After eating the meat and chatting, Qu Yan asked a disciple, "Senior Brother, can you see Senior Brother Yan?" brothers.

Someone immediately said: "Senior brother Yan often stays by the mountain stream in the back mountain, and he doesn't practice. He just looks at the mountain stream all day long. Since the junior sister stimulated him last time, he seems to have lost confidence in cultivation. He looks very pitiful. of."

The others also nodded, and one of them smiled wryly, "Senior Brother Yan is very talented, but after reaching the peak of the Soldiers Spirit Realm, he has been stuck and unable to break through. For a genius like him, the breakthrough of Junior Sister is really a blow to him."

"I really don't know if he has given up his cultivation. I heard that he will not go down the mountain, because when he went to college, he promised his family that he would never go down the mountain until he reached the General Spiritual Realm. Now that he doesn't want to practice, he can only watch the mountain stream every day. Wait to die." Someone sighed.

Everyone sighed one after another, the way of cultivation is also full of thorns, if you are not careful, you will be covered with cuts and bruises.

After Qu Yan thanked with a smile, she left the dining hall and went directly to the back mountain. As expected, she found Senior Brother Yan sitting there motionless on a big rock beside the clear mountain stream in the back mountain.

Qu Yan walked over directly, Senior Brother Yan, who was motionless at first, suddenly turned his head and saw Qu Yan showing a look of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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