Chapter 460 The strongest is called God

Emperor Yan stopped talking, and stared closely at Qu Yan with a pair of black eyes, and Qu Yan also let him stare, could he still see a flower.

After a long time, Emperor Yan said: "If you don't eat, you don't want to eat, but you must leave here quickly. There is a plane above this place. There should be more aura than here, and there must be more good things than this poor place, so you can hurry up." Practice."

"Oh? You know there is another plane above this?" Qu Yan was surprised.

"What's so strange about this? There are so many planes in the sky, and I don't know how that bastard Tiancan old man got to such a ruined place, causing this deity to suffer a million years of humiliation!" His stomach was on fire, fortunately that guy was wiped out, otherwise when he became stronger, he would definitely make his life worse than death. I am the supreme being of all things, and I want him to be a mount, I am really overwhelmed!

"Then do you know that this continent is called Biyun Continent, and the one above is called Bixing Continent? Moreover, as long as the strength of Bixing Continent exceeds the Emperor Spirit Realm, it will be pushed out?" Qu Yan added.

"I don't know about these small places, but if the Emperor Spirit Realm will be pushed out, it means that this plane is restricted, and it may be the site of a strong person in the Immortal Realm, but if you go to the Immortal Realm, you can still come back, not surprising , there are many planes in the sky that are divided up by the strong, but they can't remember if there are too many, so they just let it go, as long as they encounter destruction, they may be noticed."

Emperor Yan really understood a lot, and Qu Yan once again accepted the information, especially that Immortal Realm can still return to Bixing Continent, that is to say, he can also return to Biyun Continent.

It’s just that none of the strong people who were squeezed out before this time went to the Immortal Realm, so the people in Bixing Continent didn’t know what would happen after they were squeezed out. Most of them were forced to stay at the peak of the Emperor Spirit Realm and stay in Bixing Continent On the other hand, maybe when the longevity is approaching, they will think about breaking through and trying.

"Let's not talk nonsense, as long as you increase your strength quickly, you will soon be able to visit other planes. The road of cultivation will never end." Emperor Yan was a little proud when he saw that Qu Yan was fascinated by it.

"That is, but I want to ask, do you know who is the strongest in this world?" Qu Yan is curious about the real peak powerhouse.

Emperor Yan was stunned and said: "It should be God."

"Ah!" Qu Yan frowned, a little disbelieving, "God really exists?"

Emperor Yan looked slightly embarrassed and said: "You know what these things are for, anyway, there are a lot of peak powerhouses, if you want to reach that level, just dream first!"

"Damn! If there are so many strong people without a boss, wouldn't it be a mess? There is no such person as God?" Qu Yan immediately retorted back.

"God is the rules of heaven and earth. No matter how powerful a cultivator is, he will be bound by the rules of heaven and earth. For example, even a peak powerhouse like the old man Tiancan will die after a million years? Of course, at that point, he will generally not fight. Basically, it’s all about self-cultivation and traveling around, but it’s actually very boring, so many strong people would rather choose reincarnation.” Emperor Yan sighed, thinking of his own destiny.

Qu Yan frowned and accepted his statement, which is actually true, where there is an absolute strongman, there is no need to fight for anything at that point, but this process is long enough to allow all practitioners to experience the process of life, but in the end They still have to die or be reincarnated, so God is the most powerful, and this is indeed true.

(End of this chapter)

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