Chapter 673 Barbecue on the sidelines of the game

The first round of the competition was a lottery match, and the latter was challenged by myself unconvinced, so the last five challenged the four Qu Yan respectively, but they were all knocked out, so the top four in the end were really such a coincidence, They are Qu Yan, Yu Yao, Hong Meili and Ye Qing.

The four were directly divided into two factions, Yu Yao and Qu Yan, Hong Meili and Ye Qing.

"How to line up now?" Ye Qing asked.

After Yu Yao and Qu Yan glanced at each other, Yu Yao said, "How about the four of us drawing lots?"

Ye Qing and Hong Meili also looked at each other, and they nodded in agreement. This is already the rule of the game that the four of them have customized.

The old man naturally had no objection, and they drew the wooden sticks, and the result was Qu Yan against Yu Yao, Hong Meili against Ye Qing, it was a bit cheating.

"Then we should decide the winner first, and the two losers will fight for No.3!" Yu Yao said, "What do you think?"

"Yes!" Hong Meili nodded, but Ye Qing's face was a little ugly. He felt that he might win against Qu Yan, but Hong Meili probably couldn't win, but since this is the case, the two still have to decide the winner.

"Miss Meili, I won't let you this time. My ranking is related to our family." Ye Qing said to Hong Meili.

Hong Meili sneered and said, "You don't need to let me go, but my ranking is also related to my family, so you should be careful."

Ye Qing immediately straightened his face, put away those frivolous expressions, put on a stance, and started to fight Hong Meili.

Hong Meili smiled coldly, and a small snow-white fist was directly covered with a layer of white light, hitting Ye Qing's chest.

Ye Qing moved to one side, and immediately launched an attack, and the two of them started fighting, and the white light quickly surrounded them, showing the strength of the aura, ordinary practitioners can still see the fighting inside, but ordinary Ordinary people can't see any specific actions.

Of course, there are times when the white light disappears during the period, usually when the two are separated, and everyone can see the expressions of both sides and whether they are injured.

Ye Qing's strength is also very strong, but against Hong Meili, she always feels like she's hitting cotton. Hong Meili's strength is undoubtedly at the point of breakthrough, but on the contrary, her ability to fight is not good enough, so the two can't fight for a long time. But Da Yeqing's complexion became even uglier.

Qu Yan and Yu Yao didn't fight at all, they bowed their heads for a while, then walked to the sidelines, Qu Yan took out an iron frame, and took out a large piece of fresh exotic animal meat, and started in front of the crowd. Barbecue is up.

At first, everyone didn't know what she was doing, but when the barbecue grill was set up, the whole audience was dumbfounded when the fire was lit. What's the matter?This girl is grilling meat now?Shouldn't she have fought Yu Yao?

The old man watching the scene couldn't help but come over and said, "Miss Qu, who are you?"

"I'm hungry, let's roast some meat first, anyway, Yu Yao and Yu Yao don't need to fight, it doesn't matter who wins." Qu Yan smiled and said.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll just admit defeat, and I'll just wait for No. 3, who was defeated by them." Yu Yao also shrugged indifferently, and Yu Mojun and Jun Xiaodie who were above almost vomited blood when they heard this. .

This is my own son, how self-willed is he, he doesn't even care about his own face and that of his family, he just remembers to eat Quyan's barbecue, and when he sees many disciples of his family looking at them, Both of them had the urge to find a hole in the ground and drill down.

(End of this chapter)

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